
  • 网络economic rent;economical rent;economi c rent
  1. 论加入WTO后我国个人信用征信业中的经济租&立法缺失的成本国际比较及相应政策建议

    Analysis of Economic Rent in China 's Credit Reporting Industry After Entering WTO & the economic analysis of international law comparison and advices

  2. 本文借用经济学中经济租的概念定义了战略管理中的竞争优势,认为竞争优势就是企业拥有的稀有要素所赚取的经济租,得出了一个有关竞争优势的概念框架。

    This paper quotes a concept of economic rent from economics to define the competitive superiority in management .

  3. 新产品导入市场战略创新&基于经济租耗散与核心竞争力资源优势的理论分析

    The Marketing Strategy Innovation of New Product Introduction

  4. 提出创业学习的核心内容是如何灵活利用三种创租机制,从而获得经济租和取得竞争优势。

    It suggests that the core issue of entrepreneurial learning is to learn how to skillfully handle the3 rent-creating mechanisms .

  5. 在理想的竞争中,没有经济租存在,如同新的经营实体进入市场竞争,并致使价格减低直至租被消除。

    In PERFECT COMPETITION , there are no economic rents , as new FIRMS enter a market and compete until PRICES fall and all rent is eliminated .

  6. 同时,审计与非审计服务之间存在的知识溢出效应为契约各方追逐经济租提供了可能与动因。

    The knowledge spillover effects between the audit and non-audit service provides the possibility and cause for the parties who buy or sale non-audit services to pursue economic rent .

  7. 而在自然资源中,能源资源可以产生相对较高的经济租,所以,其在社会经济发展过程中的战略地位便显得尤为重要。

    And in natural resources , energy resources can produce relatively high economic rent , and consequently its strategic position in the process of social-economic development is particularly important .

  8. 实现由经济租放化增长向经济集约化增长的战略转换,走中国目前经济决策、经济操作、经济运行的最重要主题之一。

    To realize the strategic transition from extensive growth to intensive growth of economy is one of the most important subjects at present in China 's economic decision , management and functioning .

  9. 一个足球明星被要求向所属的球队一周给付50.000美金,而他本人仅打算给付10000美金,这就是说一周的经济租是40000美金。

    A soccer star may be paid $ 50,000 a week to play for his team when he would be willing to turn out for only $ 10,000 , so his economic rent is $ 40,000 a week .

  10. 一些旅行社企业通过并购的方式绕开政策壁垒,从事国际旅游业务的经营以获取经济租收入。提出创业学习的核心内容是如何灵活利用三种创租机制,从而获得经济租和取得竞争优势。

    Some domestic travel agencies merge other travel agencies which are qualified to operate in international tourism business to evade the regulation . It suggests that the core issue of entrepreneurial learning is to learn how to skillfully handle the 3 rent-creating mechanisms .