
jīnɡ jì huó dònɡ rén kǒu
  • economically active population
  1. 2000~2008年中国城镇、乡村经济活动人口数量估计

    An Estimation on Economically Active Population in Urban and Rural China

  2. 中国正处在劳动年龄人口和经济活动人口最多的时期,劳动适龄人口顶峰已经降临。

    China is in a period of greatest number of working-age population and economically active population . The peak of the working-age population has already fallen .

  3. 按照官方统计数据,在移民群体的经济活动人口中,约有15%失去了工作,而全国平均失业率为9.6%。

    Officially , about 15 per cent of the immigrant community 's active population is out of work , compared with a national average of 9.6 per cent .

  4. 研究结果表明:中国女性经济活动人口正在缓慢地向高技术型、智能型、市场竞争型职业转移,女性人力资源素质与就业竞争力有所提高。

    Facts indicate that female employment of China is now slowly transferring to the occupation with the characteristics of high-tech , intelligence and market competition , and the quality of human resources of female and the competitiveness of female employment have been enhanced .

  5. 作者从人口学的角度,以人口普查资料为依据,对建国以来云南女性人口的数量与分布、民族构成、素质、经济活动人口和年龄构成作了简要的概述。

    Based on data from population census , the author gives a brief account of status of female population in Yunnan in the light of demography . The discussion involves the number and distribution of female population , ethnic composition , quality , population involving economic activities and age structure .

  6. 光鲜的赌场和办公楼周围都是大片的空地和空旷的停车场,显然说明这座城市的经济活动十分萧条,人口也下降了。

    Surrounding every glittering new casino or office building were vacant land and surface parking lots & stark evidence of slack economic activity and a declining population .

  7. 人类对河口的开发与利用已有悠久的历史,现在的河口地区仍然是世界上人类经济活动最频繁、人口最稠密、环境变化影响最为深远的地带之一。

    It has been a long history since human began the development and utilization of the estuary regions , which is still of the most intensive economic activities , the densest population and the profoundest impact of environmental change on the world until now .

  8. 随着我国经济建设迅速发展,城市交通、建筑等基础设施成倍增长,城市规模日益扩大,城市经济活动日益加快,人口高度集中。

    With the development of the economy , urban traffics 、 buildings and other utilities are under continuous growth . Urban areas are progressively expanding .