
  • 网络The Economic Journal;America Economia
  1. 这个研究成果发表在最新一期的英国《经济杂志》上,对于外出度假的人们来说,它是一个“掌中宝典”。

    And the formula , published in the latest edition of the Economic Journal , will be invaluable to holidaymakers .

  2. 认清形势抓住机遇推进我国流通现代化&在中国流通经济杂志百期纪念座谈会上的讲话

    Understanding the Situation , Grasping the Opportunity and Promoting China 's Commercial Modernization

  3. 美国经济杂志命名桑坦德圣地亚哥为“拉丁美洲最佳的银行”。

    America Economia magazine names Santander santiago " best bank in Latin america " .

  4. 这里选择了日本全国性报纸的《每日新闻》及《经济杂志·新闻学家》等,并以这些报纸的报道为中心,分析环境社会学。

    This paper analyses environmental sociology based on the reports of a number of newspapers .

  5. 他们在法律与经济杂志上报道其研究以(儿童)每周观看电视中快餐插播广告的小时数为单位进行统计。

    " The advertising measure used is the number of hours of spot television fast-food restaurant advertising messages seen per week ," they wrote in the Journal of Law and Economics .

  6. 是亚洲乃至世界PCB领域最具有权威的一本商业经济期刊杂志。

    《 Printed Circuit World 》 is the leading business issue in the Asia PCB industry , even all over the world .

  7. PaulVanMele和他的同事在6月出版的《经济昆虫学杂志》上发表了他们的这项研究成果。

    Paul Van Mele and colleagues published their work in the June edition of the Journal of Economic Entomology .

  8. 美国《经济伦理杂志》主办的2005年经济伦理高峰会议,在纽约Helmsley会议中心召开,这次会议是首次将经济伦理和企业社会责任学术会议聚焦于新闻媒体。

    American Business Ethics Magazine hosted 2005 Annual Business Ethics summit at the Helmsley Conference Center New York city . The event was the first CSR / ethics conference focused exclusively on the media .

  9. 他也曾在许多经济管理杂志上发表评论。

    He commented on many economic and management issues .

  10. 试论知识经济下的杂志编辑意识

    On the Awareness of Magazine Editors in an Information Economy Era

  11. 凯特之前是该杂志的一名作家,她于五月份从创始人杰米•麦克林那里买下了这份已陷入经济困难的杂志。

    A former writer for the magazine , she bought the publication in May from its original founder , Jamie Maclean , after it ran into financial difficulties .