- 网络habitual residence

Article 15 The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is registered ; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile , his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile .
If the recipient does not have a main place of business ; its habitual residence is the place of formation of the contract .
A place of residence includes a place of permanent residency and a place of habitual residence .
In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque , the business premises , domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue .
Where the defendant 's domicile and regular abode is different , the case comes under the jurisdiction of the people 's court at the place of his regular abode .
When the domiciles and regular abodes of several defendants in the same civil suit come under the jurisdiction of two or more people 's courts , they all have the right of jurisdiction .
The life cycle of a check begins when the drawer writes a check and delivers it to the pages . In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque , the business premises , domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue .