
zhī máo yī
  • knit a sweater
  1. 我想织毛衣,可不会起头儿。

    I want to knit a sweater , but I don 't know how to begin .

  2. 你可以在温暖的火炉旁织毛衣,或在星期天早上,骑车出游。

    You can knit a sweater by the fireside . Sunday mornings , go for a ride .

  3. 她织毛衣很在行。

    She is good at knitting a sweater .

  4. 不过,与其他久坐不动的行为比起来,比如织毛衣,看电视可能在促成不健康的习惯方面尤其有效。

    But compared with other sedentary activities , like knitting , viewing TV may be especially effective at promoting unhealthy habits .

  5. 他结婚了,而我正在织毛衣。

    He 's married , and I 'm knitting a sweater .

  6. 我很开心,我在织毛衣。

    I 'm having fun . I 'm knitting a sweater .

  7. 我说我喜欢奶奶的织毛衣。

    I say I love the sweater that my grandma knit ;

  8. 年轻的时候,我曾经观察妇女们织毛衣。

    As a young man , I used to watch women .

  9. 他读书的时候,他的太太在织毛衣。

    He was reading a book and he wife was making sweater .

  10. 这样她就可以相信是她在织毛衣。

    So that she can really believe she is knitting .

  11. 巨蟹座会为邻居织毛衣或者自制巧克力。

    Cancer knits sweaters and makes fudge for the neighborhood .

  12. 这位老太太70岁的时候还能织毛衣。

    The old lady can still knit when she is70 years old .

  13. 她以阅读和织毛衣来打发时间。

    She reads and knits to pass the time .

  14. 在一个花圃边有两个白头发的老太太在织毛衣。

    Near a flower garden , two white-haired grannies are knittinging the sunshine .

  15. 我妈妈很喜欢织毛衣,每个月可以织出两件毛衣。

    Mom loves weaving . She can turn out two sweaters a month .

  16. 我在织毛衣。你已经织了两件毛衣了。

    I 'm knitting a sweater . You 've already made two sweaters .

  17. 女科研人员有时还织毛衣。

    Some female researchers might even do some knitting .

  18. 你在酒吧里织毛衣。

    You 're knitting * In a bar .

  19. 你见过朱丽织毛衣吗?

    Have you seen the way Julie knits ?

  20. 他的妈妈喜欢一边织毛衣,一边看。

    His mother likes to knit and watch .

  21. 磨坊主女儿一个人在织毛衣。

    The miller 's daughter sits and spins .

  22. 他的妻子得法热夫人正坐在店里一边织毛衣一边观察着周围。

    His wife , Madame Defarge , sat inside the shop , knitting and watching .

  23. 王阿姨正在织毛衣吗?

    Is Aunt Wang knitting a sweater ?

  24. 安妮:没事。我很开心,我在织毛衣。

    Anne : That 's OK . I 'm having fun . I 'm knitting a sweater .

  25. 阿尔弗雷德·戴特是一名109岁的澳大利亚老人,他一直忙碌着为受伤企鹅织毛衣。

    Alfred Date is a 109-year-old Australian man who keeps busy by knitting sweaters for injured penguins .

  26. 如果西尔伯曼有什么秘籍的话,就是编织——当然不是织毛衣。

    If Mr Silbermann evangelises about anything , it is knitting - and not the woolly kind .

  27. 恩,那既然批柴木烧柴火这么有意思,那织毛衣就是必须的啊。

    So , when wood fire and wood chopping can be that interesting , why not knitting ?

  28. 在广告出现的时候他们可能已经转换频道,或者在织毛衣,打电话什么的。

    They may have switched channels during the commercial break , be napping or talking on the telephone .

  29. 之所以采用毛衣,是因为基金会的一名员工在一本女性杂志上看到了一篇给海鸟织毛衣的文章,随后就决定模仿这一设计。

    A staff member read an article in an English women 's magazine about knitting for guillemot birds and decided to adapt the designs .

  30. 此外,她还会织毛衣,酷爱阅读,还是台湾歌星周杰伦的歌迷。

    She is also expert at knitting , is an avid reader and also a fan of Jay Chou , a Taiwanese pop singer .