
  • 网络Linear attenuation coefficient
  1. CT装置用的是阵列式线形探测器。测出的线衰减系数是相对的,成像要求高分辨。

    CT method uses array linear detectors to perform high-resolution tomography and yield relative image of linear attenuation coefficient .

  2. 本文给出了用实验方法得到的5.3&6.3微米范围内CO激光的86条谱线大气衰减系数的研究结果,简单地介绍了实验装置并对结果进行了讨论。

    The atmospheric attenuation coefficients for 86 CO laser lines in the 5.3-6.3 μ region obtained by means of experimental method are given . The experimental equipment is briefly described and the results of measurements are discussed .

  3. 各谱线大气衰减系数的实验值和相应的计算值之间存在着不同程度的差异,是由于水汽的共振吸收频率和激光发射频率之间的差异以及计算时采用Lorentz线型所引起的。

    There are some differences between experimental value and calculated value for the laser lines atmospheric attenuation coefficients due to the difference between resonance absorption frequency of water vapor and laser emission frequency and the use of Lorentz line profile in the calculation .

  4. 从理论出发,应用传输线的导体衰减系数和电接口的输入允许衰减等物理概念,介绍了一种简单易用的电接口信号传输距离的工程计算方法。

    A simple method for calculating the transmission distance of the electrical interface signal is presented on the basis of utilizing the attenuation coefficiency of transmission line and the allowable input attenuation of the electrical interface .