
  • Spiritual Strength;moral force;spirit
  1. 山水和人一样具有内在的生命运动和精神力量。

    Landscape and human life as inherently movement and spiritual strength .

  2. 地域文化本身具有一种强大的精神力量;

    The region culture itself has a kind of strong spiritual strength ;

  3. 你需要用精神力量来支持自己。

    You need strength of mind to stand up for yourself .

  4. 我想描绘的感情关系不太一样,我觉得两个人应该互为彼此活下去的精神力量。如果我能表达出来的话,或许这更接近真正的爱情。

    Rather , I want to portray3 a slightly different relationship , one where the two mutually inspire each other to live — if I 'm able to , then perhaps I 'll be closer to portraying4 a true expression of love .

  5. 父亲坚持不懈的鼓励、自信和永不放弃的信念是帮助Christ战胜困难的巨大精神力量。

    Father 's persistent encouragement , along with self-confidence and the belief never to give up , is the great mental strength which helps Christ overcome difficulties .

  6. 他的精神力量已经衰颓,低得不如孩子。

    His moral force was abased into more than childish weakness .

  7. 宗教信仰是支持她的精神力量。

    She was sustained by the strength of her religious faith .

  8. 他们是一些缺乏精神力量和勇气的人。

    They are people who are lacking in moral strength and courage .

  9. 文化不仅是一种精神力量,也是生产力。

    Culture is not only a kind of mentality , but productivity .

  10. 林书豪是谦虚的、是自律的、是有精神力量的。

    Jeremy Lin is humble , spiritual , and disciplined .

  11. 挥汗如雨过夏天,这也是需要一点精神力量的。

    That 's the spirit of this summer of sweat .

  12. 内在精神力量通过这第三只眼发散。

    The inner spiritual force disseminates through this inner eye .

  13. 萨拉好像有一种无法动摇的精神力量。

    Sarsh seemed to have an innner strength that nothing could shake .

  14. 创造一些时间,反思你在培养精神力量方面的进展。

    Create time to reflect upon your progress toward developing mental strength .

  15. 也许她真的有精神力量。

    Perhaps , she 's really having such psychic powers .

  16. 丰富精神力量构筑隐性文化

    Enriching the Spiritual Power and Building the Latent Culture

  17. 把邪恶刻画成单纯的精神力量。

    To characterize pure evil as a spiritual force .

  18. 知识是财富生产的精神力量

    Knowledge is the Spiritual Power of the Wealth Production

  19. 纪律同情心以及变革美国的精神力量

    The discipline , the compassion , the soul force that would transform America

  20. 从晦暗到明亮:育伦古人精神力量中的审美维度

    From Dull to Brilliant : The Aesthetics of Spiritual Power among the Yolngu

  21. 培养精神力量是一个循序渐进的过程。

    Developing mental strength is a work in progress .

  22. 气相的你需要运用精神力量。

    Air signs need to use their mental energy .

  23. 造就和支撑美国文明的精神力量就是上帝。

    The spiritual power of borne and sustaining of American civilization is God .

  24. 配偶的支持是不可替代的精神力量。

    Supports from their spouses are indispensable mental power .

  25. 艰苦奋斗&实践三个代表的强大精神力量

    Arduous Struggle-Strong Spiritual Force for Practising the Three Represents

  26. 精神力量不仅仅包含意志力;

    Mental strength involves more than just willpower ;

  27. 对于鲁迅的喜爱,主要还是他的品格与精神力量。

    For Lu Xun 's favorite , mainly because his character and mental strength .

  28. 这是一种精神力量。

    It is a power of the mind .

  29. 发觉内心的精神力量,充分挖掘自己的潜能。

    Discover the numinous power of your heart , and fully exploit your potential .

  30. 服装还是调节人际关系的使者,是一种左右现代人的精神力量。

    It is also a kind of moral encouragement to modify people 's behavior .