
lèi xínɡ bù pǐ pèi
  • type mismatch
  1. 这可能是因为轴线的一个未设置的Orientation特性或者所标绘的值与轴线支持的值之间存在类型不匹配。

    This may be due to an unset Orientation property for the axis or a type mismatch between the values being plotted and those supported by the axis .

  2. 如果我想指定其他内容,将会出现一个编译器问题,或Hadoop将输出一个错误消息,描述类型不匹配的消息。

    If I try to specify something else , I 'll either get a compiler issue or Hadoop will error-out with a message describing a type mismatch .

  3. 当客户机和服务器机器用不同的Kerberos安装进行配置时,就更容易导致加密类型不匹配。

    Encryption type mismatches occur particularly when the client and server machine are configured with different Kerberos installations .

  4. 在寻找命名规范与声明类型不匹配之处时,我发现了程序中的许多bug。

    I 've found many bugs in programs simply by looking for places where the naming conventions did not match the declared type .

  5. 大多数VoiceXML浏览器都含有一些自动化的元素,如果输入内容与预期数据类型不匹配时这些元素将重新弹出提示。

    Most VoiceXML browsers include some automated elements that will re-prompt the user if the input does not match the expected data types .

  6. 目标传输中的变量名称与消息类型不匹配。

    Variable Names and Message Types do not match in Destination Transform .

  7. 解码器类型不匹配。无法加载所需的解码器。

    Decoder type mismatch . Cannot load the requested decoder .

  8. 索引读取方法和索引写入方法之间类型不匹配

    Type mismatch between indexed read and indexed write methods

  9. 表达式的数据类型不匹配。

    There is a datatype mismatch in the expression .

  10. 由于数据类型不匹配,或存在无效数据,所以无法粘贴所复制的数据。

    Cannot paste the copied data due to data type mismatches or invalid data .

  11. 捕捉类型不匹配、预期之外的元素和属性

    Trapping mistyped and unexpected elements and attributes

  12. 对象与目标类型不匹配。

    Object does not match target type .

  13. 如果参数类型不匹配,您将使用映射而不是移动。

    If the parameter types don 't match , you use a map instead of a move .

  14. 输入的值与指定的类型不匹配,该值将存为文本。

    The value entered does not match the specified type . The value will be stored as text .

  15. 函数参数中的类型不匹配:{0}(),参数{1},应为{2}。

    Type mismatch in function argument : { 0 } (), argument { 1 } , expected { 2 } .

  16. 这是现在的常规作法,它可以帮助编译器检测函数定义/声明和函数使用之间的类型不匹配。

    This is standard practice nowadays and helps the compiler to detect type mismatches between function definition / declaration and function usage .

  17. 事件过程^0与事件声明中的参数类型不匹配。事件作为对象使用单一参数。

    Event stub ^ 0 has a parameter type mismatch with its event declaration . Events take a single parameter as object .

  18. 如果代码的改变在被重构的方法内部引发了问题变量未定义,或者类型不匹配重构操作将对这些问题进行标记。

    If the changes cause problems in the method being refactored because it leaves undefined variables or mismatched types the refactoring operations will flag these .

  19. %1文件的格式与所选择的文件类型不匹配。请选择其他文件类型,然后再试一次。

    The format of the file % 1 does not correspond to the selected file type . Please select a different file type and try again .

  20. 提供了如何计算当标定与测量光源光谱不匹配、标准与被测电池类型不匹配时的修正因子的方法。

    Provide a calculation method for spectral mismatch correction factor when the light sources and solar cells do not match between the standard and test . Innovations : 1 .

  21. 如果发出反射调用来实际设置该属性,则该调用将引发一个目标调用异常,因为组件实例与设计器类型不匹配。

    If a reflection call were made to actually set the property , the call would raise a target invocation exception because the component instance does not match the designer type .

  22. 如果文件类型不匹配,并且属于意外不匹配,比如一个是目录而另一个不是目录,那么将记录诊断结果并销毁现有的数据库条目。

    If file types mismatch in an unexpected way , such as one being a directory when the other isn 't , diagnostics are recorded and the existing database entry is destroyed .

  23. 换句话说,当两个类装入器用相同的名称装入不同的类时(也就是不同的字节码),类装入器约束保证了它们之间不会有类型不匹配。

    In other words , when two class loaders load different classes ( that is , different bytecodes ) with the same name , class loader constraints guarantee that there will be no type mismatch between them .

  24. 不过,在文件系统包含纯文本文件时文件类型将不匹配并且服务器将记录设备节点,这不会产生不良影响;这就是pseudo模拟设备节点的创建方式。

    However , a file type mismatch where the filesystem contains a plain file and the database records a device node is harmless ; this is how pseudo emulates creation of device nodes .

  25. 如果给程序提供错误的“原料”类型或形式不匹配则很可能得到无法预测的结果,甚至导致灾难。

    If a program is fed the wrong material divergent in type or form the result is likely to be unpredictable , even catastrophic .

  26. 类型通常是不匹配的,但是业务对象映射编辑器会帮助您映射数据,我们将在“业务对象映射”部分向您介绍这一点。

    Often , the types will not match , but the business object map editor helps you to map the data as we 'll show you in the Business object maps section .

  27. 例如,如果在数据库中插入多行,而且它们都由于列数据类型或名称不匹配而无法插入,那么就会有多个错误。

    For example , if you 're inserting multiple rows into a database , and they all fail due to a column datatype or name mismatch , you may have multiple errors .

  28. 这里最重要的一点是,db4o静默地处理它看到的磁盘上的数据与类型定义之间的不匹配。

    The most important thing here is that db4o silently handled the mismatch between what it saw on the disk and in the type definition .

  29. 此对象类型与集合的类型不匹配。无法添加。

    This object type does not match the collection 's type . It cannot be added .

  30. 资源类型过滤器计数与资源类型过滤器不匹配。

    Source type filter count does not match the source type filters .