- type mismatch

This may be due to an unset Orientation property for the axis or a type mismatch between the values being plotted and those supported by the axis .
If I try to specify something else , I 'll either get a compiler issue or Hadoop will error-out with a message describing a type mismatch .
Encryption type mismatches occur particularly when the client and server machine are configured with different Kerberos installations .
I 've found many bugs in programs simply by looking for places where the naming conventions did not match the declared type .
Most VoiceXML browsers include some automated elements that will re-prompt the user if the input does not match the expected data types .
Variable Names and Message Types do not match in Destination Transform .
Decoder type mismatch . Cannot load the requested decoder .
Type mismatch between indexed read and indexed write methods
There is a datatype mismatch in the expression .
Cannot paste the copied data due to data type mismatches or invalid data .
Trapping mistyped and unexpected elements and attributes
Object does not match target type .
If the parameter types don 't match , you use a map instead of a move .
The value entered does not match the specified type . The value will be stored as text .
Type mismatch in function argument : { 0 } (), argument { 1 } , expected { 2 } .
This is standard practice nowadays and helps the compiler to detect type mismatches between function definition / declaration and function usage .
Event stub ^ 0 has a parameter type mismatch with its event declaration . Events take a single parameter as object .
If the changes cause problems in the method being refactored because it leaves undefined variables or mismatched types the refactoring operations will flag these .
The format of the file % 1 does not correspond to the selected file type . Please select a different file type and try again .
Provide a calculation method for spectral mismatch correction factor when the light sources and solar cells do not match between the standard and test . Innovations : 1 .
If a reflection call were made to actually set the property , the call would raise a target invocation exception because the component instance does not match the designer type .
If file types mismatch in an unexpected way , such as one being a directory when the other isn 't , diagnostics are recorded and the existing database entry is destroyed .
In other words , when two class loaders load different classes ( that is , different bytecodes ) with the same name , class loader constraints guarantee that there will be no type mismatch between them .
However , a file type mismatch where the filesystem contains a plain file and the database records a device node is harmless ; this is how pseudo emulates creation of device nodes .
If a program is fed the wrong material divergent in type or form the result is likely to be unpredictable , even catastrophic .
Often , the types will not match , but the business object map editor helps you to map the data as we 'll show you in the Business object maps section .
For example , if you 're inserting multiple rows into a database , and they all fail due to a column datatype or name mismatch , you may have multiple errors .
The most important thing here is that db4o silently handled the mismatch between what it saw on the disk and in the type definition .
This object type does not match the collection 's type . It cannot be added .
Source type filter count does not match the source type filters .