
  • Visa officer;VO;Entry Clearance Officer
  1. 签证官:谢谢。祝你有愉快的一天。

    VO : Thank you ! Have a nice day .

  2. 签证官:你们认识多久了?

    Vo : how long have you know each other ?

  3. 美国签证官将需要你的I-20来核发签证,同时他也会要求你提出你寄来本校申请I-20的同一份文件。

    The US Consul will require an I-20 and will also ask you to show the same documents you sent New School University to receive the I-20 .

  4. 新的审理办法将使DIAC签证官在做签证决定时可以根据所有相关情况来考虑是否应取消学生签证,为学生提供一个更公平的签证结果。

    The new process would allow DIAC decision-makers to take all relevant circumstances into account when considering whether or not a student visa should be cancelled , providing a fairer outcome for clients .

  5. 签证官需要从你哪里得到真实的信息。

    The visa officer needs to hear the truth from you .

  6. 签证官举据签章你应该怎么办?

    How if I don 't give you the Visa today ?

  7. 签证官对学生签证申请人有三个主要的考虑因素

    There are three main factors Visa Officers consider for student visa applicants

  8. 签证官:整个两年你都有奖学金吗?

    Visa officer : Does your scholarship cover the whole two years ?

  9. 与法国签证官零距离交流

    Zero-Distance Contact in Air What the French Visa Officials Have to Say

  10. 读过一点移民法,了解一点签证官操作规程。

    You have to know WHY they refused your visa .

  11. 我今天跟签证官有个面试。

    I have an interview with a visa official today .

  12. 麻烦你,我想找一下签证官。

    Excuse me , may I speak to the visa official please ?

  13. 签证官:你的家属是不是跟你一起去?

    Visa officer : May I have a look Thanks .

  14. 签证官教你办理留日签证

    Visa Officer Tells You How to Apply the Japanese Visa

  15. 请记住:签证官领悟本地的支出景况。

    Keep in mind Visa Officers are very aware of local income levels .

  16. 但是签证官仍旧期望你熟知申请文件的内容。

    They will expect you to know the information given in your petitions .

  17. 签证官:您曾经申请好几回了?

    VO : So you have applied several times ?

  18. 下次签证官还会对我说不吗

    Will the Visa Officer Refuse Me Next Time

  19. 被拒签的人经常指责签证官不解释拒签的原因。

    The visa officers are frequently criticized for not explaining why applications are rejected .

  20. 意大利签证官的话

    A Few Words from the Italian Visa Officer

  21. 同时,美使馆还向中国增派了50名签证官。

    The US embassy has also added 50 visa officers to its China service .

  22. 签证官向我道歉

    Visa Officer Said " Sorry " to Me

  23. 签证官绝对不想浪费他们的时间在“精心准备”过的长篇大论上。

    The visa officers do not like to waste their time listening to prepared speeches .

  24. 签证官解读英国签证

    Visa Officer Interprets Visa Application of Britain

  25. 您是签证官吗?

    Are you a visa officer .

  26. 您必须使签证官确信您有足够的资金完成您的学习计划。

    You must satisfy the visa office that you can afford to complete your study plan .

  27. 先前分配到你的申请的签证官将不再回答你申请的问题。

    The case officer previously assigned to your application will no longer be able to assist with enquiries about your application .

  28. 您应该递交任何您认为会帮助签证官对您的申请作出决定的附加材料。

    You should submit any additional documents that you feel will assist the visa officer in making a decision on your application .

  29. 如果入境签证官不能改变决定,则结果将根据上诉的类型来决定。

    If the entry clearance officer cannot alter the decision it will depend on the type of appeal as to what happens .

  30. 整个过程简洁明了,一举赢得签证官的信任,如愿获签。

    Succinct and clear throughout the process , at one stroke to win the trust of a visa officer , was executed wish .