
děnɡ jià jiāo huàn yuán zé
  • principle of exchange at equal value
  1. 朝贡贸易违背了等价交换原则;

    Secondly , the tribute-trade violates the principle of exchange of equal values ;

  2. 等价交换原则与奉献精神刍议

    A Discussion of the Principle of Equal-Value Exchange and the Spirit of Sacrifice

  3. 而平等精神,则是由商品交换的等价交换原则所决定的。

    On the other hand , the spirit of equality is decided by the exchange value of commodities .

  4. 等价交换原则是商品经济活动领域通行的原则,强调交换的等价性。

    The principle of equal-value exchange , which stresses equal value in exchange , is a common law in commercial and economic activities .

  5. 市场经济的特点是:以市场为导向,遵循等价交换原则,充分发挥市场机制的作用来合理配置资源,以发展生产和繁荣经济。

    The characteristics of market economy are market orientation , exchange based on equal value , resources allocation in accordance with market mechanism , increasing production and flourishing economy .

  6. 然而,由于市场经济的重利性、竞争性和等价交换原则等方面的影响,使市场经济又具有负面效应。

    However , because of the influence of the nature of market economy , such as profit-oriented , competition , equivalence exchange principle , there is some negative effect in market economy .

  7. 本文首先对枚系统经济学理论进行了拓展,讨论了可持续发展信息增殖所要满足的条件,说明了信息价值量的决定因素及其在市场上进行等价交换的原则。

    In this paper , firstly the theory of MEI system economics is extended and the efficiency condition of information increment in sustainable development is developed , then the decisive factors of information value and its market exchange principle are discussed .

  8. 所谓价格是市场活动的最基本表现手段,税收价格不是对经济活动的简单模拟,而是具体价值的矢量,税收既是根基于经济活动,也是应遵循市场等价交换的原则,受到经济发展状况的制约。

    Tax price is not a simple simulation of economic activities but a vector of specific value . Tax is rooted on economic activities , which follows the market principle of exchange of equal values and is confined by economic development situation .

  9. 由于期权模型以有效市场假设为前提,并且直接考虑了债权和股权的收益与风险,这种方法更为有效地体现了等价交换的市场原则。

    Advanced on the premise of efficiency market , the model can take the return and risk of debt and equity into account , and follows closely the market principle of fair and equivalent exchange .