
  • 网络isoline method
  1. 作为算例,建立了某水电站混流式水轮机模型综合特性曲线的可视化三维图形,并运用等值线法还原为等效率线与模型综合特性曲线进行对比。Iso的相序。

    As a case study , this paper constructs a 3D visualization model for Francis a hydro-turbine synthetic characteristic curve of a hydropower station , which is changed into an iso-efficiency curve by isoline method , and compared with synthetic characteristic curve of the model .

  2. 试验结果表明建立横向偏差等值线法是可行的。

    The experimental results indicated the establishment horizontal deviation isoline method is feasible .

  3. 整体变形分析的等值线法及其生成算法与实例

    Integral Deformation Analysis with Contour Line and Its Generating Algorithm

  4. 另一种方法是等值线法及其在公共设施规划和居住区规划中的应用。

    The other is contour method using in community facilities planning and resident planning .

  5. 等值线法在超声法检测推定混凝土质量中的应用探讨

    An Exploration into the Application of the Equivalent Value Method in Evaluating Concrete Quality by Ultrasonic Method

  6. 针对单点变形分析的局限性提出了整体变形分析的等值线法。

    Considering the limitation of single point deformation analysis , the contour method for integral deformation analysis is put forward .

  7. 对某大型水电站混流式水轮机模型综合特性曲线进行了上述处理,并运用等值线法还原为等效率线与模型综合特性曲线进行对比。

    A mixed turbine ( Francis ) model synthetic characteristic curve of a large hydropower station has been processed by the method , changed into iso-efficiency curve by iso-line method , and compared with model synthetic characteristic curve .

  8. 界面张力等值线图法;

    IFT contour diagram method ;

  9. 提出了用于InSAR干涉条纹图的等值线窗口滤波法并对其进行了深入研究,从理论和实验上都证明了该滤波方法优于正余弦滤波法和Lee滤波方法。

    The application of CWF for InSAR fringes are proposed and well studied . This filter is proved theoretically and experimentally to be better than both the sine / cosine filter and the Lee filter .

  10. 电子散斑与合成孔径雷达干涉测量中的等值线相关干涉法用雷达干涉测量与雷达立体测量生产数字高程模型的试验

    Contoured Correlation Interferometry for Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry and Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry ; Testing Production of DEM by InSAR and Radargrammetry

  11. 气象等值线的三角网法微机自动绘制

    Automatic weather isogram plotting by using the method of triangle-net on Microcomputer

  12. 等值线多剖面插值法主要采用了低阶插值算法,避免了高阶插值算法带来的震荡;

    This paper suggests that using multisection interpolation to make regular DTM , low level interpolation algorithm is better than high level one .

  13. 研究了差分三角法测厚系统的标定方法,利用等值线双线性查表法标定测厚系统。

    Calibration method for the differential laser trigonometry thickness measurement system is researched . The method named isoline bilinear look-up tables is used to calibration the system .

  14. 实验岩石样品采自四川东部和新疆北部地区,为测试准确起见,对岩样进行了应力等值线的有限元法计算。

    Experimental rock specimens were collected from the eastern Sichuan and northern Xinjiang provinces , and the stress isopleths to the rock specimens were calculated with a finite element method ( FEM ) for accurate determination .