
  • 网络Fourth Power;the fourth estate
  1. 西方国家第四权力对公共权力的监督制约有其先进性和局限性,我国公共权力的舆论监督有其鲜明的特点和艰难的探索过程。

    The fourth estate theory of western countries on the public power supervision owns both the advanced points and unilateral points .

  2. 新闻媒介甚至被誉为立法、司法、行政之外的第四权力。

    Media is even regarded as " the fourth power " ( except for lawmaking judicature and administration ) .

  3. 再次,作为第四权力的大众传媒通过引导公众舆论,可能对政府形成制衡并促进危机事件的解决。

    Thirdly , as the fourth power , the mass media could balance the government power and promote the settlement of the crisis affairs .

  4. 舆论监督被称为继立法、司法和行政之外的第四权力,在马克思主义产生之前,空想社会主义者对舆论监督早有论述。

    Supervision by public opinion is called the forth right beside the legislation , justice and administration . Before the Marxism come out , Utopian socialism stated the supervision by public opinion .

  5. 现代社会,媒体对于公权力及社会公共生活的监督作用是越来越大,所以,媒体又有第四权力和无冕之王的称号。

    Modern society , the supervisory function of media for public power and public life is more and more important . So the media also called the fourth power and the uncrowned godfather .

  6. 作为美国的第四权力机构,新闻媒体在全球化的浪潮中获得了新一轮的发展,其规模无论从数量、种类、从业人数和辐射范围上都称得上史无前例。

    As America ' sfourth estate , the media got a new round of development in the wave of globalization . Its scale was unprecedented no matter in terms of the number , species , and employment and radiation levels .

  7. 智库是被西方国家称为第四权力的组织,它独立于政府、利益团体以及政党等力量,以政策研究为核心,以直接或者间接影响政府政策为目的,独立的公共研究机构。

    Think-tank , is called the fourth power of the organization to western countries , it is independent of the government , interest groups and political parties , policy research as the core , for the purpose of directly or indirectly influence the government policy , independent public research institutions .

  8. 在媒体逻辑中,大众传媒似乎已经成为国家政治生活中的第四种权力。

    By media logic , mass media has become " the fourth power " of national political life .

  9. 有些学说忽略了某一种执行权,有的则实际是在主张第四种权力,却又未证明权力四分法的合理性。

    Some theory neglect one of them , and others actually protest the fourth power , but four-power separation theory has never been demonstrated .

  10. 其本质上是一种社会权力,从而有别于传统的公权力,俗称第四种权力。

    Its essence is a kind of social power , which is different from the traditional authority , commonly known as the fourth power .

  11. 随着社会化媒体的出现和新媒体时代的到来,媒体监督借用新技术的发展,越来越发挥着作为第四种权力的功用。

    With the emergence of social media , the era of new media arrives . Media Supervision plays an important role as " The Fourth Power " with development of new technologies .

  12. 第四章权力的在场之析,详细描述中国当代大学组织的权力表现现状。

    Chapter four is Analysis of Power in the Field , in which the detailed description about the present state of the performance of power of university organization in modern China was made .

  13. 第四部分:大学权力结构及其调整。

    Part III : types power of university and its portfolio .

  14. 第四章说明了权力话语的存在给广告带来的价值。

    The forth part demonstrates power discourse value to the advertisement .