
  • 网络First Citizen;princeps;principate
  1. 第一,公民对法律普通存在的冷漠、厌恶、规避心理。

    First , the existing common law citizen apathy , disgust , aversion .

  2. 1980年,魁北克就这个“主权-结合”方案进行了第一次公民投票,赞成票占40.44百分号,反对票占59.56百分号。

    In1980 , Quebec held the first referendums for this sovereignty-association scheme by40.44 % to59.56 % .

  3. 第一,公民,我为他们是一个热情好客的-一个陌生人-看-信任中国和德国的宪法是可能的。

    First and citizenship , I am for them a hospitable-a stranger-to see-trust the Chinese and German constitution is possible .

  4. 第一章公民与公民教育,从现代公民教育产生和发展的历史背景,说明社会科课程是公民教育发展到一定阶段的结果。

    By examining the origin and evolution of modern citizenship education , it shows that Social Studies results form the development of citizenship education .

  5. 由于对美国教育与社会发展的卓越贡献,他被誉为共和国的第一位公民,堪称共和国的英雄与先知。

    For the great contribution to education and society of America , he was praised the first citizen of republic , deserved the hero and prophet .

  6. 同时现代公民行政参与也具有相应的法律价值主要表现在:第一、公民行政参与有助于提高公民在社会管理中的话语权从而维护自身的合法权益。

    The modern citizen participation is administrative has corresponding legal value is mainly displays in : first , the citizen participation in help improve the administrative management of right of citizens in the society so as to maintain their own lawful rights and interests .

  7. 第一章:公民精神构建的话语背景。

    Chapter one : the discourse background of public spirit construction .

  8. 第一部分是公民信息获取权概述。

    The first part is the brief introduction of the civil right of access .

  9. 参与这起谋杀的第一名法国公民的身份已经得到证实。

    The involvement of one French citizen in the killings has already been confirmed .

  10. 也被人们誉为赢得诺贝尔文学奖的第一个中国公民。

    He is being hailed as the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Prize in literature .

  11. 本文在结构安排上遵循了以下顺序:第一部分:公民伦理与道德权利的概念梳理与分析。

    The structure of this paper : The first part : The concepts of civic ethics and moral right .

  12. 概要:深圳准备为好人立法,颁布“好撒玛利亚人法”。这也将是中国第一部对公民救助行为进行保护的条例。

    It is the first time China is formulating a special regulation to protect bystanders who choose to help a stranger in distress .

  13. 周三,沙特阿拉伯给机器人索菲亚授予居民身份,索菲亚成为世界第一个获得公民身份的机器人。同时,海湾国家也成为第一个给机器人授予国籍的国家。

    Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to the advanced lifelike humanoid Sophia on Wednesday , making it the first robot to receive citizenship status anywhere in the world . In the process , the Gulf kingdom also became the first country to do so .

  14. 因此论文第一章重点探讨公民、公民教育思想的理论推进。

    Therefore , chapter I focuses on the advancement of citizen and citizenship education from a theoretical point of view .

  15. 同时我国公民行政参与也存在着许多问题:第一、我国公民参与程度不高。

    At the same time our country citizen administrative participation is there exist many problems : first , our country citizen participation is not high .

  16. 马丁·范布伦是第一位以美国公民身份出生并当选美国总统的人。因为前7位美国总统均出生在美国独立战争之前。

    Van Buren was the first president born as a citizen of the U.S.A. , as all previous presidents were born before the American Revolution .

  17. 第一部分主要对公民及公民教育等相关概念进行了界定,并在此基础上揭示了现代公民教育的特点。

    The first part , mainly Introduce citizen and civil education and relevant concepts , also has announced the characteristic of the modern citizen education on this basis .

  18. 第一章是对公民有序的政治参与是党领导人民当家作主的基本形式进行论述。

    The first chapter elaborated that the orderly political participation of the citizen is the fundamental mode under which the people are the master of own affairs leaded by party .

  19. 虽然当时条件不具备,中国也第一次进行了公民投票的实践:联省自治运动中的宪法公投。

    Although some commentators have asserted that the conditions at the time were not suitable for integrating referendum into political practice , a constitutional referendum was practiced in an autonomy movement at that time .