
  • 网络Scientific activities;science activity
  1. 科学活动中真与善的价值融合

    On integration of truth and goodness in the science activity

  2. 科学活动说的三条语言学补证

    Three Linguistic Additional Proofs Of The Science Activity Theory

  3. 我们班上大多数学生参加各项科学活动。

    Most students in our class go in for scientific activities .

  4. 如果想参加精彩科学活动或者纪念此次参观之旅,别忘了顺路逛下西雅图太平洋科学中心的商店。

    Don 't forget to stop by Pacific Science Center 's Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit .

  5. 国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)是当前地学领域最重要的科学活动之一,其核心项目古全球变化(PAGES)的主要目标是研究过去的全球变化问题。

    The international geosphere biosphere program ( IGBP ) is one of the most important activities in the field of geoscience .

  6. 为了应对这一挑战,AMS数据分析和处理中心采用数据网格作为AMS科学活动中的数据和存储资源集成平台。

    To address this challenge , Data grid is applied into AMS science activities as platform for the integration of data and storage resource .

  7. AMS科学活动所产生的数据正在以PetaByte的量级爆炸性地增长,如何高效地管理这些高度分散的海量科学数据已经成为AMS科学活动中的一个巨大挑战。

    Science data produced by AMS science activities is increasing by the scale of Peta-Byte . How to manage massive and distributed science data efficiently has become a big challenge in AMS science activities .

  8. 论科学活动中越轨行为的界定和分类

    On the Definition and Classification of Deviant Behaviors in Scientific Activites

  9. 幼儿科学活动中教师角色的定位与转换

    The Role Transfer of Teachers in the Scientific Activity of Infants

  10. 价值取向和科学活动:1950-1979年的中国

    Value Orientations and Scientific Activities in China from 1950 to 1979

  11. 多领域研究是当代科学活动的重要特征

    Many-domain Study : an Important Characteristics of Contemporary Scientific Activities

  12. 同时,统计又是一项科学活动,讲究工作质量和专业技术。

    Statistics is also a scientific activity needing quality work and professional skills .

  13. 溯因模式在科学活动中的应用价值与功能。

    Values and functions in scientific activity of retrodution .

  14. 在科学活动中科学家广泛地运用合理的怀疑思维。

    Scientists adopt doubting thinking frequently in their work .

  15. 论错误在科学活动中的正向功能

    About positive functions of fault in scientific activities

  16. 控制中心表示,该机器探测器很快将开始科学活动。

    The control centre said the robotic probe would begin its scientific activities soon .

  17. 因此,历史唯物主义应当阐明人类科学活动最一般的发展规律。

    Therefore historical materialisms should interpret the general regulations of the human science campaign .

  18. 论科学活动中的越轨行为

    On the deviant behavior in scientific activities

  19. 结论认为,现代奥林匹克运动本质上就是一种科学活动,而现代科学活动本质上也可视为一种奥林匹克运动。

    Modern Olympic Movement in essence can be regarded as a kind of scientific activity .

  20. 理解与解释的关系是人类科学活动的基本关系。

    The relation between understanding and explanation is the basic relation of human 's scientific activity .

  21. 支持或直接参与伪科学活动的党员干部则是不可原谅的。

    The party members who support or take part in pseudoscience activities will not be forgivable .

  22. 科学活动中利益冲突的形式、诱因、控制和防范

    The Form , Inducement , Control and Defense of the Conflict of Interest in Scientific Activities

  23. 这种信念的支持在科学活动中主要体现在:一是在科学活动中科学家对自己的探究方向的坚信;

    This kind of support mainly represents as the scientists ' conviction on their research orientations ;

  24. 一些研究者认为花在这个问题上的时间分配到别的科学活动上会更好。

    Some researchers may begin to feel time would be better spent on other scientific pursuits .

  25. 英国在17世纪成为世界科学活动中心。

    In the 17th century , Great Britain became the centre of the world scientific activities .

  26. 他的科学活动是在一生繁忙的商业和文职生活中进行的。

    His scientific activities were fitted into a life well filled with business affairs and civic duties .

  27. 幼儿科学活动探讨

    On Infants ' Scientific Activities

  28. 本文从六个方面对史蒂芬。霍金在整个科学活动中所表现出的科学观进行了初步的探讨。

    This paper studied first S.Hawking 's science sense in his whole science activity from six aspects .

  29. 纵观古今,科学活动都是在一定的思想观念和思维方法的引导和规范下进行的。

    Throughout the ages , scientific activities are conducted under the guidance and regulation of certain ideas and thinking methods .

  30. 人类在认识世界和改造世界的科学活动过程中离不开思维活动。

    In the scientific activity process of understanding and transforming the world , human can not work without Computational Thinking .