
sī yǒu zhì
  • private ownership
私有制 [sī yǒu zhì]
  • [private ownership] 生产资料归私人有的制度。它是随着生产力发展、剩余产品出现及原始公社瓦解而产生的,它形成了阶级和剥削的基础

私有制[sī yǒu zhì]
  1. 该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。

    The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land .

  2. 再来看看“半公有半私有制”。

    Look in again " half public half private ownership " .

  3. 传统观点认为社会主义与私有制经济水火难容,因而用传统观点回答必然是否定的。一是科学取向。

    The traditional answer is negative . " Science " approach .

  4. 卢梭也看到了私有制使人产生异化。

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau also noticed that private property makes man alienate .

  5. 这是私有制要付出的部分代价。

    This is part of the price of individual ownership .

  6. 回到要讲的“半公有半私有制”方面来。

    Return to say " half public half to private ownership " .

  7. 列宁认为,战争根源于私有制和阶级。

    Lenin thinks that the wars root in private ownership and class .

  8. 科学完整地阐析法律起源问题&《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》读书札记

    A Scientific and Complete Exposition of the Origin of Law

  9. 学生必须尊重公有制和私有制

    Students are required to respect public and private ownership ,

  10. 论我国现阶段加快发展私有制经济的迫切性

    On Urgency of Developing Private Ownership Economy in Our Country at Present Stage

  11. 家庭、私有制和国家的起源

    " The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State "

  12. 医生私自工作,并且医院为私有制。

    Doctors work privately and hospitals are privately owned .

  13. 由私有制形态看英国中古赋税基本理论

    The Medieval English Basic Theory of Taxation in the Perspective of Private Ownership

  14. 公有制公司与私有制公司的区别在哪里?

    What is the difference between a public company and a private one ?

  15. 财产的继承是伴随着私有制的产生而出现的。

    Property inheritance system was found with the birth of private ownership system .

  16. 因此,人们对发展私有制经济总是小心谨慎的。

    Therefore , people are always cautious as to developing private ownership economy .

  17. 关于第一次社会大分工问题的几点思考&纪念恩格斯《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书出版120周年和该书中文版发行50周年

    Reflections on the first great social division of labor

  18. 对私有制和资本主义经济范畴的批判分析;

    Made critical analysis on the private ownership and economic category of capitalism ;

  19. 通过用户自己的商业模式建立一种不同的,用户私有制。

    Put differently , private ownership by users creates its own business model .

  20. 新中国私有制经济的回顾与前瞻

    Review and Perspective of Private Economy in New China

  21. 以私有制为基础的社会制度。

    A social system based on private ownership .

  22. 经济结构变化引起的结构性失业,根源还在于私有制。

    Unemployment with structural nature caused by economic structural changes roots in private ownership .

  23. 正确理解马克思的私有制观

    Correctly Understanding Marx 's Viewpoint of Private Ownership

  24. 美国的经济体制主要是一种私有制。

    The economic system of the United States is principally one of private ownership .

  25. 公司可以是私有制或共有制。

    Corporatio may be privately or publicly owned .

  26. 在现有各种改革思路中,土地私有制不符合现阶段中国基本国情;在公有制框架内实行土地股份制是一种较好的制度安排;

    Among all solutions , land privatization is not suitable for Chinese basic situation .

  27. 在完成生产资料私有制的公有化改造之后,继续提升公有化的程度。

    After having finished transferring to public ownership , he continued to promote socialization .

  28. 完全可以断言,“私有制”最终要退出人类的最后选择。

    Complete can assert that " private " eventually to exit the human last choice .

  29. 扬弃私有制&对社会、社会伦理、社会主义概念的历史考察

    Abandoning Private Ownership & Historical Examination of Concepts of Society , Social Ethic and Socialism

  30. 只要存在私有制和阶级,战争就不可避免。

    As long as there is private ownership and class , the wars are inevitable .