
  • 网络the private garden
  1. 中国明清私家园林中的空间美

    Spatial Beauty in Private Garden in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  2. 唐长安的私家园林景观

    Landscape of Changan Private Garden of the Tang Dynasty Style

  3. 苏州私家园林中文字和题名背后的深层涵义

    The Meanings of the Writing and Titles in Suzhou Private Gardens

  4. 北京私家园林的建筑艺术

    Build in gs in the Private Gardens in Beij in g

  5. 一般贵族修建的园林被称为私家园林。

    And the ones built by general nobles are called private gardens .

  6. 中国古典私家园林中的名称文化初探

    The Culture of Name in the Classic and Private Park in China

  7. 武人在文人的帮助之下建设有中西合璧的私家园林。

    Warlords built private gardens in Chinese and west styles with literary'help .

  8. 棋布于运河之滨的济宁私家园林

    Private Villas of Jining Located near the Banks of Canal

  9. 论文人画对中国传统私家园林的空间形态的影响

    Literati Painting Influence on the Spatial Pattern of Chinese Traditional Private Garden

  10. 论近代岭南私家园林造园材料革新与技艺发展

    An Analysis of New Materials and Technical Innovation in Modern Lingnan Private Gardens

  11. 中国古典私家园林是中国古典造园艺术之精髓。

    Classical Chinese private classical Chinese garden is the essence of gardening art .

  12. 六朝私家园林与佛教

    Buddhism And the Private Gardens in the Six Dynasties

  13. 瘦西湖私家园林集群的整体景观分析

    An analysis on ENTIRE-LANDSCAPE of private garden group along the narrow West Lake

  14. 先秦时期中国私家园林寻踪

    Phenomena of Chinese Private Gardens in the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  15. 着重探讨了私家园林中的园林名称文化。

    This article mainly discusses the cultural content of the classic and private gardens .

  16. 唐宋私家园林环境模式变迁研究

    Study on the Environment Pattern of the Private Garden in Tang and Song Dynasty

  17. 济南近代私家园林营建特征及影响因素

    A study on gardening characteristics of private gardens in Jinan and their influencing factors

  18. 论中国古代私家园林幽之内涵

    On the contents of " tranguility " of private gardens in ancient Chinese times

  19. 唐代私家园林别墅的艺术理念

    Artistic Concept of Private Villas in Tang Dynasty

  20. 这是一座私家园林。

    It used to be a private garden .

  21. 苏州园林是中国私家园林的代表。

    The Gardens in Suzhou are regarded as the embodiment of private gardens in China .

  22. 还有私家园林呢?

    There are even private gardens here ?

  23. 论中国早期私家园林

    Early Private Landscape Gardens in China

  24. 北京私家园林研究初探

    Research on Private Gardens of Beijing

  25. 中国私家园林艺术精神

    Art spirits in Chinese private garden

  26. 私家园林的代表当属位于苏州的拙政园。

    Humble Administrator 's Garden located in Suzhou should be regarded as the representative of private gardens .

  27. 从传统私家园林到近代城市公园汉口中山公园(1928年1938年)

    From Conventional Private Garden to Modern Urban Park & Hankow Zhongshan Park ( 1928 ~ 1938 )

  28. 私家园林大多数建造在住宅的一侧,或者在后面。

    Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the residential houses .

  29. 近代武汉城市中的私家园林也逐渐湮没在社会变迁之中。

    Private gardens in Modern Wuhan also have gradually been drowned in the process of social change .

  30. 中国私家园林的建设越过艺术高峰后,沉寂了好长一段历史时期。

    China 's construction of private gardens have been quiet fro a long historical period its art prime .