
sī rén wù pǐn
  • Personal belongings;personal items;possession;private things
  1. 这些清单包括IBM电脑(价值1299美元含税)、索尼数码相机(价值399美元含税)和一些私人物品价值2000美元。

    As you can see , the list includes an IBM laptop computer valued at USD $ 1299 plus tax , a Sony digital camera priced at USD 399 plus tax , clothing and various personal items valued at roughly USD $ 2000 .

  2. 私人物品可以充当媒介现在集中注意力

    The personal items will act as a talisman.Now concentrate .

  3. 囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。

    Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs .

  4. 她收拾起她的私人物品。

    She gathered up her belongings .

  5. 他们合租了这间屋子,但是电视和那把木椅子是他的私人物品。

    They rented the room together , but the TV and that wooden chair were his personal belongings .

  6. 箱子里装着一个海员的私人物品。

    The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman .

  7. 我把几件私人物品装进包中。

    I put a few personal belongings in a bag .

  8. 一些经济发达国家和地区的经验表明,民间资本以BOT方式参与基础设施建设能够较好地解决公共物品与私人物品之间的矛盾。

    Some experiences in developed countries and regions indicate that the contradiction between public goods and private goods can be handled preferably when non_ governmental capital is invested in infrastructure with the method of BOT .

  9. 宝易存在香港的主要竞争对手Spacebox的联合创始人斯图尔特张尼(StuartCerne)表示,随着人们外包私人物品储存,随着企业批量购买仓储空间,这种商业模式将形成规模经济效益。

    Stuart Cerne , who co-founded Boxful 's main Hong Kong rival Spacebox , says the business model will generate economies of scale as individuals outsource personal storage and the companies buy warehouse space in bulk .

  10. 周一,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的哈里·兰塞姆中心(HarryRansomCenter)将宣布它获得了加西亚·马尔克斯的档案,包括手稿、笔记、影集、信件和私人物品——两部史密斯·科罗纳打字机(SmithCorona)和五台苹果电脑。

    The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas in Austin will announce on Monday that it has acquired Garc í a M á rquez 's archive , which contains manuscripts , notebooks , photo albums , correspondence and personal artifacts , including two Smith Corona typewriters and five Apple computers .

  11. 这是他牢房的私人物品。

    And these are the personal belongings found in his cell .

  12. 你是说他们也埋了一些私人物品吗?

    Did you say they buried some of his personal effects ?

  13. 没有.这些都是我的私人物品。

    A : No , these are all my personal effects .

  14. 模特把私人物品存放在那里。

    And since the models keep their belongings in that room .

  15. 他们也埋了一些私人物品。

    All they had to bury were a few personal effects .

  16. 你有什么一直携带的私人物品吗?

    What personnal possessions do you Cary with you at all times ?

  17. 上面说现场没有发现任何遗留的私人物品

    Says that there was no personal property found at the scene .

  18. 因特网作为私人物品和公共物品的若干经济特性

    Economic Characteristics of Internet as both Private and Public Goods

  19. 婴儿们没有共用任何私人物品。

    And the babies didn 't share any common personnel .

  20. 这些都是你需要用到的私人物品。

    These are your personal belongings and you need them .

  21. 它们可不能算你的私人物品。

    It 's not like you ever really owned them or anything .

  22. 提供专业的私人物品运输门到门一切险。

    Trust Mover provide professional all risk personal goods and effects insurance .

  23. 您可以把他们列在“私人物品”栏内。

    You may list them under " personal belongings " .

  24. 我的行李袋里只装着必要的工作服和一些私人物品。

    My duffel held only necessary work clothes and some personal things .

  25. 我们这里不办理私人物品及易碎品的托运!

    We do not process personal items and fragile products !

  26. 新闻媒介大多数是私人物品。

    Some news media are public goods , while more are private goods .

  27. 他的私人物品表上没有。

    It 's not listed in his personal effects .

  28. 图腾,是一个小的私人物品。

    A totem , it 's a small personal .

  29. 私人物品可以提醒他们时刻关注受害�

    Personal items can help focus them on their victims

  30. 康妮会处理好你的私人物品。

    Connie will take care of your personal belongings .