
  • 网络Neurotechnology
  1. 实际上,神经技术构成了更大的威胁-并且也是一个更迅猛的。

    In fact neurotechnology poses a greater threat & and also a more immediate one .

  2. 一种用模糊-神经技术建造专家系统的方法

    A Method of Building Expert Systems With Fuzzy-Neural Technology

  3. 模糊神经技术及其在汽车操纵稳定性研究中的应用现状

    The Application of Neural-Fuzzy Technology and Its Study on Handling and Stability of Vehicles

  4. 简要介绍了模糊神经技术及其在国外核电站上的应用。

    The application of fuzzy neural technology in nuclear power stations has been introduced .

  5. 模糊神经技术在反应堆安全研究中的应用基于自适应模糊神经技术的质子交换膜燃料电池建模与控制

    Modeling and Novel Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network Control of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell ( PEMFC ) Application of Neurofuzzy Technology in Nuclear Security Research

  6. 模糊推理能够反映自然语言要素信息传递特性,自适应神经技术能够实现优化建模。

    Fuzzy logic inference can reflect the information transmission characteristic of the key elements of the natural language , and adaptive neural network technology can realize the optimization of the model .

  7. BP神经网络技术在交通工具火灾预警中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network in the Fore-warning of Vehicle Fires

  8. BP神经网络技术在调剖效果预测中的应用研究

    The application of BP nerve network in profile adjustment effect prediction

  9. 应用BP人工神经网络技术划分水土流失等级

    Dividing of Soil and Water Loss Grade with BP Artificial Neural Network

  10. 基于BP神经网络技术的实验数据分析处理

    Process and Analysis of Experiment Data Based on BP Neural Network Technique

  11. 然后,介绍了人工神经网络技术,其中着重介绍了人工神经网络的预测模型以及BP网络的结构特点和相关算法,并具体阐述了利用BP网络建立温度预测模型过程中网络训练的问题。

    Then it introduces neural network , especially the prediction model , BP network and algorithm .

  12. 基于RBF神经网络技术的分组Turbo码译码

    Decoding of Block Turbo Codes Based on RBF Neural Network

  13. 人工神经网络技术与智能化CAPP

    Artificial Neural network technology'and intelligent CAPP

  14. 本课题综合利用了数字图像处理,模式识别与神经网络技术,采用Visualc++6.0实现。

    The system is developed in Visual C + + 6.0 and resulted from the following techniques : Digital Image Processing , Pattern Recognition and ANN .

  15. 对同一桁架结构,利用RBF神经网络技术对结构损伤程度进行识别。

    To the same truss structure , Identify the degree of structural damage by RBF neural networks method .

  16. 基于BP神经网络技术,提出双向压弯钢筋混凝土柱侧向承载力的预测模型。

    Based on BP neural network , a model is presented to forecast the lateral bearing capacity of RC columns under biaxial bending and compression .

  17. 应用BP神经网络技术和遗传优化技术分别建立烧结矿质量模拟模型和烧结寻优配矿模型;

    Sinter quality simulating model and optimizing iron ores matching model were built by using BP neural network technology and genetic algorithms technology , respectively .

  18. 在构造分类器过程中,运用BP神经网络技术,把贝叶斯过滤与语义过滤两者有机地结合起来,实现了参数的最佳拟合。

    The BP neural network is adopted during the process of constructing the categorization , integrating the bayes filtering and meaning filtering to draw the optimum parameters .

  19. 将CAE模拟与神经网络技术相结合,在Matlab环境下建立了注塑工艺参数模拟预测系统。

    With the CAE simulation being combined with the artificial neural network technology , the simulation and prediction system is established under Matlab environment .

  20. 重点介绍了D-S证据理论融合算法,分析证据理论与神经网络技术的特点,提出了一种适应于机载雷达系统的新的融合算法&证据理论和BP神经网络相结合的融合算法。

    Also introduce the fusion algorithm of D-S evidence theory in detail , and analyse the characteristics of neural network and information fusion .

  21. 将智能信号处理技术中的进化算法和神经网络技术相结合,得到了基于进化算法的RBF网络,并将其应用于多用户检测之中。

    A evolutionary RBF network is formed through combining the evolutionary algorithm and Neural Networks together , and is applied in multiuser detection .

  22. 文章中具体分析了神经网络技术的发展、学习算法、RBF神经网络模型、训练过程等。

    The article analyzes the development and learning algorithm of neural network and RBF neural network model , training process and the learning algorithm .

  23. 提出过筛连通法并结合运用BP神经网络技术,解决了读数图像缺陷字符和相似字符的误识问题。

    The problems of reading defect characters of images and misrecognition of similar characters can be solved by a kind of sifting-connection algorithm and the application of BP neural network technique .

  24. 采用不完全微分PID算法实现电解电流的闭环控制,并且应用人工神经网络技术建立系统的施电模型。

    The inexact differential PID algorithm is adopted to implement the closed loop control of the electro chemical dissolution current . The current distribution model on artificial neural network is established .

  25. 将自适应模糊控制技术与神经网络技术相结合,提出了一种自适应神经模糊控制器的实现方法,并用一种改进的快速BP算法来训练网络。

    This paper combines adaptive fuzzy control with neural networks , proposes a implementation method of adaptive neuro-fuzzy controllers , and trains the networks using improved fast BP algorithm proposed by us .

  26. BP网络的模型的实现需要掌握计算机编程语言及较高的编程能力,这在一定程度上不利千神经网络技术的推广和使用。

    To achieve the BP network model , it is necessary to grasp the computer programming language and higher programming abilities , which disadvantage in the neural network 's spreading and using .

  27. 文中根据电厂熟练运行操作员的实际操作经验和数据,在常规串级PID控制系统的基础上,增加设计了基于神经网络技术的前馈控制器。

    According to the experiences and data of the skilled operators , a feed-forward controller which is based on the neural network technology was added on the conventional cascade PID control system .

  28. 概述了误差反向传播神经网络技术,对P2P流量进行了特征选择和提取,建立了模型,并用软件对模型进行仿真实现。

    Summarize the overview of the BP neural network technology , select and extract the feature of P2P traffic , establish a model and simulate the model with simulation software .

  29. 基于Visualc++.NET开发平台,运用A参数法结合数字图像处理技术、模式识别与人工神经网络技术,开发成功了高温构件进行寿命预测系统。

    Based on ^ - parameter method incorporated with image processing , pattern recognition and artificial neural network techniques , the life assessment software for high temperature materials with friendly user interface is developed under Visual C + + .

  30. 讨论了基于RBF神经网络技术的沙土液化预测分析方法及其有效性。

    Based on a large amount of sand soil data , a model for prediction is set up and practical effectiveness of the theory RBF neural network is discussed .