
  • Kanagawa Prefecture;【地名】【日本】Kanagawa-ken
  1. 日本公共性社区互助网络的解析&以神奈川县川崎市Y地区的NPO活动为例

    An Analysis of Mutual-Assistance Network in Japanese Public Communities

  2. 结果表明:中国北京夏季NO2,NO,CO的浓度特征与日本神奈川县相似,白天(16:00以前)如果NO2/NO超过29,则容易出现O3超标;

    The results indicated that the characteristics of NO_2 concentration and NO concentration as well as CO concentration were similar to that of Kanagawa in Japan . If the value of NO_2 / NO was beyond 29 , ozone concentration exceeded the standard easily .

  3. 镰仓住宅,镰仓市,神奈川县,日本

    House in kamakura , kamakura , Kanagawa prefecture , japan , 2001

  4. 学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。

    Students come from as far away as Fujisawa , Kanagawa Prefecture .

  5. 本文介绍了日本神奈川县的电话网络结构的演变,详细分析了网络调整的必要性和具体实施方案,通过调网前后网络性能的比较,说明了网络调整的重要性。

    This paper describes the restructuring of the telephone network in Kanagawa of Japan . The concrete implementing conditions are analysed and the necessity and importance of the structural adjustment have been well shown by the improved network performance .

  6. 距离东京仅有一天路程的神奈川县箱根町是一个多山的温泉胜地。这里的一家温泉公园设了一种啤酒杯状的浴缸,浴缸内盛满了散发着啤酒花和大麦清香的热啤酒。

    In Hakone Kowakien Yunessun , a mountainous hot spring resort just a day trip from Tokyo , a spa park is offering a bathtub , shaped like a beer mug , filled with heated amber water and white foam with the aroma of hops and barley .

  7. 在东京,富岛,千叶,神奈川,静冈县均有震感。

    The tremor was also felt in Tokyo as well as Fukushima , Chiba , Kanagawa and Shizuoka prefectures .