
zǔ guó
  • motherland;homeland;one's country;fatherland;mother country;native land;ones native country
祖国 [zǔ guó]
  • [ones native country;motherland;mother country;fatherland;homeland] 祖籍所在的国家;自己的国家

祖国[zǔ guó]
  1. 肯戈理博士视土耳其为自己的祖国。

    Dr Kengerli looks to Turkey as his mother country .

  2. 爱国主义是指着人们对祖国的热爱。

    Patriotism implies a love for one 's mother country .

  3. 他逐渐成为祖国为争取独立而斗争的象征。

    He came to symbolize his country 's struggle for independence .

  4. 我将竭尽全力报效祖国。

    I will endeavour to do my best for my country .

  5. 很多难民被迫逃离了祖国。

    Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland .

  6. 她渴望回到她的祖国。

    She longed to return to her native land .

  7. 生活条件与他们祖国大不相同。

    Living conditions are vastly different from those pertaining in their country of origin .

  8. 我们当然希望有一天能回去——那是我们的祖国,我们真正的家。

    Of course we want to go back some day ─ it 's our country , our real home .

  9. 这是自1948年以来他首次回到自己的祖国。

    It was his first visit to his native country since 1948

  10. 我热爱我的祖国,就像你热爱你的祖国一样。

    I love my country as you love yours .

  11. 他牺牲自己,以此拯救了他的祖国。

    He sacrificed himself and so saved his country .

  12. 很多人正计划回到自己的祖国去。

    Many are planning to return to their homeland .

  13. 他们愿意在祖国需要的时候为她效力。

    They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need .

  14. 我们应当为落后的祖国加快变革的脚步。

    We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country .

  15. 或许他是诚心诚意地想帮助自己的祖国。

    Maybe he sincerely wanted to help his country

  16. 特雷莎修女访问了她的祖国阿尔巴尼亚。

    Mother Teresa visited her native Albania .

  17. 他也谈到了对祖国文化前途的担忧。

    He also spoke of his fears for the future of his country 's culture .

  18. 离开祖国时,他说直到国家完全实现民主化后他才会回来。

    When he left his native country , he said he would not return until it had been fully democratised .

  19. 团结运动中各派搞分裂,在此情况下教皇发出号召,呼吁祖国保持团结。

    The Pope has sent a message appealing for unity in his homeland , against a background of divisions in the Solidarity movement

  20. “你不觉得你背叛了你的祖国吗?”——“一点也不,我认为我帮了我的国家。”

    ' You don 't feel that you 've betrayed your country ? ' — ' Not at all , I think I 've done a service to my country . '

  21. 切勿忘记你对祖国应尽的义务。

    Never forget your duty to your motherland .

  22. 他背叛了祖国。

    He betrayed his country .

  23. 我们热爱祖国。

    We love our motherland .

  24. 祖国大地充溢着春意。

    There is spring in the air all over our country .

  25. 祖国日益繁荣昌盛。

    Our country is thriving and prospering day by day .

  26. 侨胞想念祖国。

    Overseas Chinese cherish the memory of their home land .

  27. 为了祖国的利益他乐于牺牲个人所好。

    He is ready to sacrifice inclination to his country .

  28. 祖国河山美丽如画。

    Our native land is as pretty as a picture .

  29. 祖国面貌日新月异。

    The face of our motherland has been changing with each passing day .

  30. 勘探队踏遍了祖国的山山水水。

    The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land .