
  • 网络community volunteer
  1. 后来他成为了一名社区志愿者,学习会计和金融学,并荣获一等学位。

    He went on to become a community volunteer , study accounting and finance , and earn a first class degree .

  2. 绿色社区志愿者组织作为绿色社会组织的重要组成部分,在生态建设过程中具有强大的推动力与功效。

    The green community volunteer organizations as an important part of the green society organizations , a powerful driving force in the process of ecological construction and effectiveness .

  3. 家庭中至少有一人为社区志愿者或社区义工

    At least one of family members volunteering for community services

  4. 社区志愿者们为这些学生服务。

    Community volunteers work with the students .

  5. 今天,我在担任一栏山社区志愿者的房子办公。

    Today , I worked as an office volunteer at a community house in Box Hill .

  6. 课外活动:长笛手,校交响乐团成员,社区志愿者教授儿童音乐知识。

    Extracurriculars : flute player , school orchestra member , teaching children music on a volunteer basis .

  7. 结果97.94%的医务人员认为社区志愿者能提供长期保健服务。

    RESULTS 97.94 % of the medical and health staff believed that community volunteers could provide long-term care .

  8. 招收交流儿童及给县办公室,社区志愿者和乡镇项目办公室提供儿交相关培训;

    Enrol SCs & provide sponsorship related training to Program Unit , community volunteers and Township Program Office ;

  9. 或许你们还想参加课外活动、作个社区志愿者。

    Maybe you 'll decide to get involved in an extracurricular activity , or volunteer in your community .

  10. 此次特奥会社区志愿者114名、接待家庭52户,志愿者中40%为大学学历以上。

    The114 community volunteers , 52 host families take part in this Special Olympic community reception . 40 % of them are college-educated and above .

  11. 他们的家人和社区志愿者也许会出现在象征性的几小时中,但是不久之后他们便消失在忙碌的生活中。

    Their family members or community volunteers may drop by for a few hours of token time , but soon they disappear back into their busy lives .

  12. 在纳米比亚,一位刚刚归来的和平队志愿者与20名当地社区志愿者共同努力为艾滋病患者开辟了一块社区菜地。

    In Namibia , a recently returned Peace Corps volunteer and20 community volunteers worked to build a community vegetable garden for people living with HIV / AIDS .

  13. 他们当中有我们的朋友和邻居、有我们在教堂祷告时的教友和社区志愿者的同伴,他们的孩子和我们的孩子一起玩耍。

    They 're our friends and neighbors ; they sit next to us in church and volunteer in our communities ; their kids play with our kids .

  14. 首先,运用结构式访谈的方法,了解城市社区志愿者的基本构成、参与特点以及存在的问题。

    Firstly , the author applied the method of structured interview and knew the basic constitution , the characteristics of participation and the existing problems of urban community volunteer .

  15. 针对我国志愿者激励不足的现状,应该从社会层面、组织层面和个人层面三个方面完善我国社区志愿者的激励机制。

    Lack of incentives for the status of young volunteers , should be from outside the social level , organizational level and individual level three perfect incentive measures of community volunteers .

  16. 人们很难挤出时间做运动,就像我们挤不出时间去冥想、烹饪健康食物、做社区志愿者一样。

    It is hard to find time for exercise . Just like its hard to find time to meditate , cook healthy meals , and volunteer to make your community a better place .

  17. 目前,大学生志愿服务涉及领域广泛,包括环保、大型赛事、社区志愿者、扶贫、抢险和其他公益活动,而且在服务过程中表现出极高的热情。

    At present , the university students voluntary service covering a broad range of areas , including environmental protection , large events , community volunteers , poverty alleviation , rescue and other public welfare activities .

  18. 这款软件由一群热心的航空专业人士和社区志愿者们历时20年编写出来,能够模拟飞机飞行时流过每一寸机身的气流。

    The product of 20 years of obsessive labor by a hardcore aeronautics enthusiast and community of supporters , it actually simulates the flow of air over every piece of an aircraft 's body as it flies .

  19. 根据人力资源管理的流程,社区志愿者的管理过程应当包括以下基本环节:规划,招募与甄选,定位与培训,激励,保持、认同和评估。

    According to human resources management processes , and community volunteers in the management process should include the following basic components : planning , recruitment and selection , orientation and training , and incentives to maintain , identify and evaluate the situation .

  20. 我国城市社区体育志愿者人力资源开发问题与对策研究&以天津市城市社区为例

    Development problem and countermeasure of community sport volunteer & With Tianjin as the case

  21. 社区体育志愿者是社会体育的一支重要指导力量。

    The sports volunteer of the community is that one of important guiding strength of social sports .

  22. 和平队青年及社区发展志愿者们与有关社区合作,成立青年组织、俱乐部及运动队。

    Peace Corps youth and community development volunteers work with communities to form youth groups , clubs and sports teams .

  23. 尼泊尔已成功培养出许多社区卫生志愿者,现在正在努力实现儿童死亡率方面的《千年发展目标》。

    Nepal has succeeded in training many CHVs and is on course to meet the Millennium Development Goal for child mortality .

  24. 社区的志愿者传授公司的组建、产品的生产与销售。

    Volunteers from the community teach about businesses , how they are organized , and how products are made and sold .

  25. 另一方面社会照料网络如农村基层组织、农村社区、志愿者等为留守老人提供的照料体系还不完善。

    Moreover , social care network including rural grass-root organizations , local communities , volunteers cannot satisfy the care needs by the elderly .

  26. 培训和吸纳社区卫生志愿者来实施基于社区的病例管理和预防战略可以减少急性腹泻和急性呼吸道感染的治疗负担。

    The burden of acute diarrhoea and ARIs can be reduced by training and engaging CHVs to implement community-based case management and prevention strategies .

  27. 研究设计的干预措施是为了培训和吸纳社区卫生志愿者,从而在尼泊尔实施以社区为单位的控制项目。

    Interventions based on research were designed to train and engage community health volunteers ( CHVs ) to implement a community-based control programme in Nepal .

  28. 采用文献研究法,在对社区体育志愿者进行定义的基础上,对我国开发和利用社区体育志愿者的必然性、面向人群做了阐述,并给出开发和利用的相应对策和建议。

    On the basis of defining sports volunteer of the community , using the law of documents , this literary explained the certainty and the facing crowds of developing and utilizing sports volunteer of community , provided the corresponding countermeasure and suggestion of developing and utilizing .

  29. 阿米莉亚和她所在社区的其他志愿者一起工作,这些志愿者利用他们的时间来帮助阿米莉亚和大猩猩。

    Amelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their time to help Amelia and the gorillas .

  30. DianaAtienoTujuh是非洲最大的贫民窟之一Kibera贫民窟SaintChristine社区中心的志愿者教师。

    Diana Atieno Tujuh volunteers as a teacher at the Saint Christine 's Community Center in the Kibera slum , one of the largest in Africa .