
  • 网络Social marginal cost;Marginal Social Cost;marginal social cost MSC
  1. 因市场缺乏引起市场价格偏离社会边际成本是,用影子价格来调整市场价格。

    Shadow prices adjust market prices for deviations from social marginal costs due to market imperfections .

  2. 如果没有充分理由认为市场价格偏离了社会边际成本,市场价格就是很好的尺度。

    Market prices serve well if there is no strong reason to believe they depart from social marginal costs .

  3. 在现行制度安排下,公共政策的制定应考虑人口健康的长期社会边际成本和长期社会边际收益。

    Under the system in force , to formulate a public policy must consider the marginal cost and marginal profits about the health of population .

  4. 在存在负外部性的情况下,由所有银行机构承担的社会边际成本将超过由单个银行机构承担的私人边际成本,此时,银行机构相对过剩,金融市场无效率。

    Under the condition , society marginal cost borne by all banks exceeds personal marginal cost bear by single bank , which brings on superfluous banks relatively and inefficient financial market .

  5. 考虑到资源保护、公平和外部性,即使不符合标准条件,景区也可以实行免费开放,此时最佳接待规模由社会收益与边际成本的交点决定。

    Concerning resource protection , equality , and externality and even not fitting to the normal requirement , the scenic spot can be free too , and in this situation , the optimal quantity is decided by the convex of society revenue curve an marginal cost curve .

  6. 结果表明:当减排率为0~40%时,GDP损失率在0~3.9%之间,减排边际社会成本是边际技术成本的2倍左右。

    The results show that the GDP loss is 0 ~ 3.9 % for carbon reduction rates of 0 ~ 40 % . The social marginal abatement cost is about twice the technical marginal abatement cost .

  7. 当证明标准的边际社会收益等于边际社会成本时,社会净收益实现了最大化,证明标准达到了最佳程度。

    If the proof criterion 's marginal social revenue equated its marginal social cost , the social net revenue would reach its maximum , and the proof criterion would be most appropriate .

  8. 从博弈论纳什平衡理论得出:交通拥挤造成交通边际社会成本大于边际个人成本、用户得到了额外社会消费获利的结论。

    From the Nash 's balance 's theory of game theory , it can clearly see the conclusion that traffic congestion causes that marginal social cost is much than traffic marginal private cost , and the consumer gain extra-profit of social expenditure .