
  1. 试析工业企业社会赞助的策略

    Analysis of Sponsor Policies of Industrial Enterprises

  2. 设计家们的信念源于他们的开放性,存在于能反映着市场、行业、生产和社会赞助的相互依存的形式之中。

    A designer 's ideal has the open property that exists in the form reflecting the interdependent relations among market , trade , production and social donations .

  3. 通过社会赞助的还很少,学校体育俱乐部的社会化发展程度不高,学校体育俱乐部和社会体育社团还没有很好的融合起来。

    Sponsored through the little community , schools , sports clubs and the social level of development is not high , school sports clubs and community sports organizations have not yet very good together .

  4. 于是,一些国产动画片不考虑“市场”,只在意产出动画片的“时长”,以数量换取政策资助和社会赞助。

    Thus , the number of domestic cartoons are not considered " market " only care about output animated " length " to the number of funding and social policy in exchange for sponsorship .

  5. 游泳作为基础项目,更是走在了改革的前端,改变了过去政府投资包办的单一投资形式,尝试了社会赞助和有偿训练结合等做法,收到了一定的积极效果。

    As a basis for the project , Swimming is done in front of the reform , trying practices in sponsorship and paid training , social integration and other , instead of Government investment , has received some positive results .

  6. 华文独立中学是由马来西亚民间华人社会所赞助、维持和创办的中学总称。

    The Chinese independent school was founded and funding by the Malaysian Chinese Community .

  7. 由国际粮食政策研究所、联合国以及亚西社会委员会赞助在贝鲁特举行了阿拉伯世界粮食安全会议,这项报告是在这个会议上发表的。

    The IFPRI report was released in Beirut at the Food Secure Arab World conference ( 2 / 6-7 ) sponsored by IFPRI , the U.N. and the Social Commission for Western Asia .

  8. 高校应通过加强宏观政策支持,建设科学管理制度,引入竞争激励机制,吸纳社会各界赞助等举措来加强社团建设,促进大学生素质的培养。

    Colleges and universities should construct scientific management system , lead into encouragement competition , absorb support from all walks of life by strengthening macro-policies support to strengthen mass organization construction , promote the cultivation of students'quality .

  9. 在应对大规模侵权事件、保证受害者获得及时、有效、完全的赔偿方面,各国采取了各种应对措施,其中,设立由政府主导、相关企业参与、社会各方赞助的损害赔偿基金不失为一种有效的方法。

    Different countries take different measures to ensure the victims of mass torts to get compensation timely , effectively and completely . It is a effective method to establish a compensation fund system which is led by government , sponsored by all sectors of society and relevant enterprises participate in .

  10. 各中学合理利用教育拨款、广泛争取社会资金的赞助,改善学校排球场地器材设施。

    Second 、 The rational use of secondary school education funds for social funds , the broad sponsorship , volleyball , improving school equipment .

  11. 设施的改善,提出及时更新多媒体教室、设立政治课实训室、及时更新图书馆、学校要与社会各界达成赞助协议和学生实践、活动协议等。

    Facilities improvement . The main measures are putting forward timely to create and update multimedia classrooms , set up the politics simulated teaching room ; update the library with all walks of the society . School should reach sponsorship deal and students ' practice , activities , agreement , etc.

  12. 是由南印度演员,曼摩提担任男主角,是由印度国家电影发展公司与印度政府社会司法部所赞助的,并且经过一些争论与酝酿后才推出。

    Sponsored by India 's National Film Development Corporation and Ministry of Social Justice , the film was released after a long and controversial gestation period .

  13. 第三部分从社会科学、社会思潮及赞助环境诸方面分析促使西方现代绘画语言的自觉转变的动力因素。

    In the third chapter , it analyses the inner factors that motivate the change of the consciousness of western contemporary painting language from the perspectives of western social science , ideology and support environment .

  14. 在现代社会,要使龙舟运动更好地发展,还需要加大宣传力度,加强与媒体的合作,争取社会、企业的赞助,丰富竞赛的形式,增强龙舟竞渡的影响力。

    In modern society , to better the development of Dragon Boat racing , it is necessary to strengthen the publicizing , the cooperation with media , the sponsor of society and companies , the variety of games and the influence of Dragon Boat racing .