
  • 网络social framework;Societal framework
  1. 新的自然观,总是构成新社会框架的基本力量。

    New perspectives of nature have always been the basic force that constitutes the social framework .

  2. 马铃薯生产和消费国的成员国政府为促进发展提供广泛的政治、技术、经济和社会框架。

    Governments of both potato producing and consuming countries provide the broad political , technical , economic and social framework that foster development .

  3. 国家与社会框架下的中国乡村研究综述

    A Summary of China Rural Study Under the Frame of State - Society

  4. 和谐社会框架下的公平问题

    Problem of Fairness under the Framework of Harmonious Society

  5. 知识经济社会框架体系下的图书馆知识创新服务

    The library opens knowledge innovation service under the Social frame system of knowledge-based economy

  6. 本文将着重研究我国建设资源节约型社会框架下税收体系的改革。

    This essay will focus primarily on reform of the tax system under the framework of economical society in China .

  7. 全面建设小康社会框架下,确立现代社会保障的价值理念和政策取向极其重要。

    Under the comprehensive well-off society framework , it is very important to establish the modern social security value notion and policy orientation .

  8. 论他物权的母权但是汉代的母权仍从属于父权,母权并没有超越男尊女卑的社会框架。

    Nevertheless matriarchal right in Han Dynasty was still inferior to paternity right and controlled by social framework that women were inferior to men .

  9. 所以,面对国家社会框架解释中国社会带来的结构行动研究困境,文化社会学在某种程度上可以作为进出这一困境的尝试。

    Thus sociology of culture could be an attempt to surmount the predicament of " structure-action " analysis when the " state-society " frame is used for explaining Chinese society .

  10. 这次革命并不是对政治和社会框架的一次突然和猛烈的颠覆——像后来在已经是独立国家的法国和俄国所爆发的革命那样。

    It was not a sudden and violent overturning of the political and social framework , such as later occurred in France and Russia , when both were already independent nations .

  11. 从政府-市场-社会框架来看,作为基层政府行政组织的居民委员会,扮演的角色是基层治理者而不是双重代理人。

    In the perspective of " State-Market-Society " framework , neighborhood committee which is the administrative organization at the grass-roots level , acts as a governor rather than " double agent " .

  12. 如果以克思主义的核心观点经济架构决定一切继续在中国保持重要地位的话,我们必须创立与社会框架体系相匹配的价值观,以保持中国经济的可持续发展。

    If the core idea of Marxism-that economic structure determines everything-is to remain significant in china , we must determine the values that will build a social framework that allows for sustainable economic achievements .

  13. 这是寄宿制学校的校风精髓,因为它提供社会框架和结构,使青少年在其中参与,竞争和享受一系列的社会活动。

    It is the essence of the boarding school ethos as it is houses which provide the structure and social framework within which adolescents interact , compete and enjoy a range of social activities .

  14. 今年秋天,在世界银行年度会议上,来自98个国家的318个民间团体,对该机构提出的一个新的环境和社会框架表达了批评,称这会削弱现有的保护措施。

    At the World Bank 's annual meetings this autumn , 318 civil society organizations from 98 countries criticized its proposal for a new environmental and social framework , saying it would weaken existing safeguards .

  15. 从城市的可持续发展和建立循环经济社会框架的需求出发,阐述了城市政府建立环境管理体系的必要性和意义;

    As far as the needs are concerned of sustainable development and of establishment of social framework for recycling economy , the necessity and importance are exposited to set up EMS by municipal government in this article .

  16. 开放Agent社会的框架模型研究综述

    A Survey of Framework Model of Open Agent Society

  17. 言语重复:互动社会语言框架中的课堂策略

    Language Repetition : A Classroom Strategy in the Interactional Sociolinguistic Framework

  18. 国家与社会分析框架在中国史领域的应用

    The Application of State & Society Framework in Chinese History

  19. 社会语言学框架下的儿童外语学习探讨

    Child English Learning in Sociolinguistic Perspective

  20. 社会学框架下的旅游学学科属性定位分析

    Positioning Analysis of the Attributes of the Discipline of Tourism Science under the Framework of Sociology

  21. 本文针对煤炭企业安全事故频发的现状,将煤矿安全置于社会责任框架下进行研究。

    This paper dealed with coal mine safety issue by putting it under social responsibility framework .

  22. 但在以人为本的社会发展框架下,又客观必然地存在着以少数人为本和以多数人为本的两条发展路径。

    Under the condition of scientific development , there are two such ways as minority and majority .

  23. 摘要作为具有很强学术潜力的概念,“内卷化”提供了一个很有解释力的分析乡村社会的框架。

    As a concept with a very strong academical potential , evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society .

  24. 法律规范与习惯性规范在社会秩序框架内既有合作也有竞争,存在着互动关系。

    In the frame of the social order , there are interactively cooperative and competitive relations between legal norms and customary norms .

  25. 在婚恋过程中,表面上已经独立的农村女性实际上还在以男性为主体的社会结构框架内处于利益被隐形剥夺的地位。

    In this process , countryside women who appear to achieve independence are in invisible deprivation status framed by man dominated social structure .

  26. 相反,特定时期的社会制度框架恰恰构成了理性发生和进化的条件之一。

    On the contrary , social system in a special period is exactly composed of a condition for the coming and the evolution of the rational knowledge .

  27. 初次涉及报告领域的新公司应该首先确保自己熟悉当地企业社会责任框架,并逐步采用国际标准,这将便于比较和改进。

    New companies in reporting field should make sure that they are proficient with local CSR frameworks first and gradually adopt international ones ; this will make comparison and improvement easy .

  28. 以人为本的科学发展观必然要求我们在一切发展序列中首先关注人口发展,中国人口发展在中国社会发展框架中具有绝对优先的工具价值和目的意义。

    The outlook of developing science based on people requires that top priority should be given to the development of population , which has the tool value and purposeful meaning in the frame of the development in Chinese society .

  29. 本文用一个基于知识的社会学框架和基于知识的企业理论,即企业是一个获取知识、创造知识、转化知识的知识系统这样一个观点,来分析和讨论知识型企业战略核心问题。

    The core of strategy in knowledge-based enterprises is analyzed and discussed with the knowledge-based sociology and the knowledge-based enterprise theory , in which the enterprise is regarded as a knowledge system to obtain knowledge , create knowledge and transform knowledge .

  30. 基于历史唯物主义视野,哈维提出了时-空压缩概念,尝试以此为基础分析后现代转变的实质,从而建构一个由历史唯物主义理论形塑的后现代社会分析框架。

    With the vision of historical materialism Harvey put forward the concept " time-space compression " on which he tried to analyze the essence of the postmodern transition and thus constructed an analysis frame about postmodern society shaped by historical materialism theory .