
  1. 职业化背景下社会工作人才培养向度

    Direction of Social Work Talent Cultivation in the Context of Professionalization

  2. 社会工作人才队伍建设面临的难题及其成因

    Problems Facing Social Work Talents Construction in China and Their Reasons

  3. 科学发展观视阈下社会工作人才素质

    Quality of social work professionals in perspective of scientific concept of development

  4. 以马克思主义为指导培养新型社会工作人才

    Cultivating a New Type of Socialism Professionals Under the Guidance of Marxism

  5. 加强广西社会工作人才队伍建设问题的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures to Strengthen the Social Work Talent Team Construction in Guangxi

  6. 本文针对当前中国的社会工作人才培养问题进行了探索。

    This paper focus on the cultivation of students in current social work education .

  7. 社会工作人才队伍的状况在一定程度上决定着我国社会主义和谐社会的构建。

    The status of social work personnel to some extent determines the socialist harmonious society .

  8. 但是社会工作人才的缺乏却无法满足社会的需求。

    But the lack of social work personnel cannot satisfy the needs of the community .

  9. 培养体制对社会工作人才职业化影响研究

    A Research on the Influences of the Training System on the Social Workers ' Professionalization

  10. 对此,笔者就加强社会工作人才队伍建设问题进行了分析和研究。

    Therefore , the writer analyzes and studies on the issue of reinforcing the talent team construction of social work .

  11. 努力造就一支结构合理、素质优良的社会工作人才队伍,是构建社会主义和谐社会的迫切需要。

    Efforts to create a rational structure , quality of social work personnel , is building a socialist harmonious society , the urgent need .

  12. 最后,针对如何完善我国社会工作人才培养模式,落实社会工作通才教育理念,笔者提出了若干建议和对策。

    In the last part , some suggestions and countermeasures which can improvement our training mode of social work education are given by the author .

  13. 而就业压力极易带来就业焦虑,最终将不利于社会工作人才资源的有效利用。

    The employment pressure brings the employment anxiety extremely easily , eventually it will not conducive to the effective utilization of talent resources of social work .

  14. 党的十六大以来,农村社会工作人才在社会建设实践中的作用日益凸显。

    Along with the social construction of the theory development and improvement , the rural social work in society in the practice of the construction of the talents increasingly prominent role .

  15. 2007年2月,民政部下发了《关于开展社会工作人才队伍建设试点工作的通知》。

    In February 2007 , Ministry of Civil Affairs issued " Notice on developing pilot work of constructing a team of qualified social workers enacted by Ministry of Civil Affairs " .

  16. 研究还从农村留守儿童问题解决模式、社区资源利用及农村本土化社会工作人才培养三方面进行了讨论。

    The study discussed from the three aspects of rural left-behind children the mode of solving problems , the use of community resources and rural indigenization of social work talents cultivation .

  17. 厦门市的“村改居”试点工作开始于1981年,但“村改居”社区社会工作人才队伍建设相对滞后,无法有力地满足社区居民对社区公共服务的需求。

    The experimental program of changing village into community in Xiamen started in1981 , but the social workers for the community at present do not suffice for the need of the community .

  18. 同时,也为西部民族地区和经济发展相对落后地区下一阶段如何开展社会工作人才队伍建设工作起到一些借鉴作用。

    But also for the economic development of the western region and the nation is relatively backward areas how to carry out the next phase of construction of social work personnel play some reference .

  19. 同时,包头市的其它旗县区也结合本地的实际,在社会工作人才队伍建设方面有着不同的做法,值得我们去总结分析。

    Meanwhile , other counties in the District of Baotou City , also in light of local practice , social work personnel in the building has a different approach , we should sum up the analysis .

  20. 该地区农村社会工作人才队伍建设经过近几年的努力,已经初步形成了以政府为主导、民办为补充的社会工作组织体系和初具规模的人才队伍。

    The social work in the rural areas of talents construction in recent years after the efforts , has initially formed the government as the leading , run by the social work for added organization system and the certain scale talent team .

  21. 笔者认为,社会工作人才队伍的建设并非一朝一夕能够完成,也并非一蹴而就,而是一项系统而庞大的持续性工程。

    The author believed that the organizing of the social work talents troop can not complete in one day and one night by no means that also gets it done in one action by no means , but an item of system and huge long-enduring project .

  22. 社会工作专业人才培养模式的多维分析

    The Multi-dimensional Analysis of the Education Mode of the Social Work Program

  23. 社会工作专业人才队伍建设的基本途径

    Basic Approaches to Building Social Work Specialty Talents in China

  24. 产学研合作教育模式是培养高职层次的社会工作专业人才的一种理想模式。

    Cooperative education is a ideal mode to cultivate social work professional of higher vocational level .

  25. 社会工作专业人才培养规划研究&以河南省为例(2007~2020年)

    The Personnel Training Plan of Social Work Major & A Study of a Case in Henan Province ;

  26. 高等医学院校承担着医务社会工作专业人才培养的重要使命,是医务社会工作专业人才的培养基地。

    Medical colleges and universities are the training bases of medical social workers ; they are commissioned with the important task of training professional and qualified medical social workers .

  27. 社会工作专业人才是社会的“减压阀”、“减震器”,是预防和解决社会问题的生力军。是建设和谐社会的重要力量。

    Professional social workers are the social reducing valve and shock absorber , are fresh activists to prevent and solve social problems , and are important power to build harmonious society .

  28. 作为社会工作专业人才队伍的重要补给力量,社会工作专业学生对本专业的专业认同状况及从事本专业相关工作的意愿,对社会工作人才队伍的建设有重要影响。

    As the main supply power for the social work profession , the social work students ' professional identity status and willingness to engage in the frontline social work , have important influence on construction of social work profession .

  29. 针对这些问题,笔者提出引进农村社会工作专业人才,以社会工作专业方法为指导,应用社会工作专业方法技巧来解决农村留守老人养老问题。

    According to these problems , the author proposed the introduction of rural social work professionals , with professional social work method to guide the application of social work and professional skills to solve the rural elderly pension problem .

  30. 社会建设视野中的社会工作人才队伍建设

    The Talent Team Building of Social Work in the Scope of Social Construction