
  • 网络academic talents
  1. 胡瑞文说:从某种程度上讲,各高校如今必须担负一部分责任,输出受过良好教育的劳动力,而不仅仅是培养学术人才。

    To some extent , universities now shoulder part of the responsibility to produce an educated workforce , rather than just academic talents , said Hu .

  2. OAPS作为促进和培育学术人才而倡导的一个计划,一直坚定地致力于提高学生的阅读、分析和写作能力。

    OAPS , establishing itself as a scheme to promote and foster academic caliber , has been making an unwavering commitment to enhancing students'ability in reading , analyzing and writing .

  3. 高校学术人才的流失现象的背后有复杂的社会环境因素和内部原因。

    There are many complicated internal and external factors underlying the phenomenon of academic talent losses in colleges and universities .

  4. 剑桥大学吸引着最优秀的学生和学术人才,因为他们觉得大学和学院是一个激人奋发和舒适的生活和工作场所。

    Cambridge attracts the best students and academics because they find the University and the colleges stimulating and enjoyable places in which to live and work .

  5. 那个时候,中国的学者和改革家们都认为,通过教育才能培养政治名流和学术人才,从而带动国家进步。

    At that time , Chinese scholars and reformers saw education as a way to produce the political and academic talent needed to carry the country forward .

  6. 冷战结束之后,经济全球化使教育资源尤其是学术人才的国际流通和留学生数量激增;

    After the Cold War , international mobility of educational resources , especially the academic staff , has enhanced and the number of overseas students has increased rapidly .

  7. 另一方面,学报对学科建设有推动作用,高校学报是学校学术人才培养基地,高校学报又是促进成果转化的重要渠道,同时高校学报还为学科建设起到信息传递作用。

    The university journal is the base for cultivating academically talented persons . The university journal is an important medium to promote scientific achievement conversion . At the same time , the university journal plays an important role in transforming information useful for the subject construction .

  8. 一流学术与人才大师&现代大学的生机和活力所在

    Academy Concerning and Talent Training as the Spark of Modern University

  9. 寻找技术型与学术型人才并不难。

    It 's easy to find technologists and academics type of people .

  10. 人才培养主要可分为两类,即学术型人才培养和应用型人才培养。

    Personnel training can be divided into two categories , namely academic personnel training and application-oriented / professional personnel training .

  11. 我国高等教育人才培养体系正按照学术型人才培养和应用型人才培养的框架构建。

    The talents training pattern of higher education is constructed according to the frame of academic talents training and applied talents training .

  12. 为扩大学科领域并为复合型英语专业人才培养提供学术和人才支撑,应当特别重视对跨学科研究的支持和管理。

    Special attention should be devoted to interdisciplinary research of English language professionals and nurture brainpower and academic resources for the interdisciplinary education of English majors .

  13. 由中国教育科学研究院发布的一份报告显示,我国对于从研究机构以及高校中走出的学术型人才的年需求量约为十万人。

    According to a report by the National Institute of Education Sciences , domestic demand for academic personnel from research institutions and universities is about 100,000 per year .

  14. 学术和人才评价机制与人才聘用和晋升机制的不完善,社会不良风气的侵袭以及缺乏强有力的监管力量,是导致目前高校师生信用失范的主要原因。

    The non-perfection of mechanism of academy and talents evaluation and talents appointment and promotion , the erosion of unhealthy social atmosphere and lack of effective supervision are the main reasons leading to credit defect .

  15. 法律硕士的设置是专业学位人才和学术型人才分化的表现,是现代社会职业划分细化、社会分工细化的结果,也是我国法律职业的现实需要。

    Juris Master in setting professional degree of talent and academic talents differentiation performance , is the modern society occupation division refinement , the social division of labor results , is also our country legal occupation of reality .

  16. 另外,国家已开始实施研究生教育的转型发展战略,使我国的研究生教育从以培养学术型人才为主向以培养应用型人才为主转变。

    In addition , the country has already started to implement education graduate student the transformation of development strategy , China graduate education to train from academic talented person to give priority to in order to train talents give priority to change .

  17. 学校人才的培养不能脱离社会的发展,随着经济的全球化,市场经济体制的确立,学术性人才在社会对人才趋向多元化的需求下显的力单势薄。

    The school personnel training cannot be separated from the development of the society , with the economic globalization , the establishment of market economy system , academic talents in the society to talented person diversification demand was " force of single potential thin " .

  18. 坚持研究、改革、建设、管理紧密结合,坚持研究生教育与学科建设紧密结合,坚持研究生培养与科技创新紧密结合,坚持学术型人才培养与应用型人才培养紧密结合。

    The four " integrations " include integration of research , reform , construction and management , integration of graduate education with discipline construction , integration of graduate cultivation with innovation of science and technology and integration of cultivation of academic talented persons with cultivation of professional talented persons .

  19. 中医学专业张仲景学术思想方向人才培养方案改革研究

    Research on Reform of Personnel Training Programs of ZHANG Zhong-jing Academic Thinking Chinese Medicine Majors

  20. 要使哲学社会科学健康发展,必须从其特点出发,重视学术研究和人才的培养;

    To make philosophy social science healthily develop , from its characteristic , pay attention to academic research and the training of talent ;

  21. 中青年导师队伍的建设与发展直接关系着学校的整体学术水平和人才培养质量。

    The construction and development of young and middle_aged tutor team directly affects the whole scientific research level and the quality of graduate education .

  22. 最后,本研究探讨了民国时期,冶金学术组织对人才培养、技术发展以及学术共同体形成的重要意义。

    Finally , this paper explores the significance on the personnel training , technology development as well as academic community forming of the metallurgical academic organizations in the period of republic of China .

  23. 传承和弘扬丝绸之路友好合作精神,广泛开展文化交流、学术往来、人才交流合作、媒体合作、青年和妇女交往、志愿者服务等,为深化双多边合作奠定坚实的民意基础。

    We should carry forward the spirit of friendly cooperation of the Silk Road by promoting extensive cultural and academic exchanges , personnel exchanges and cooperation , media cooperation , youth and women exchanges and volunteer services , so as to win public support for deepening bilateral and multilateral cooperation .

  24. 论旅游学术期刊与旅游人才培养及教学科研的关系&以《旅游学刊》为例

    On the Relationships between Tourism Academic Journals , the Training of Tourism Professionals , Teaching and Scientific Research

  25. 普通高中教学研究的新质量观,应是新学术观、新人才观、新效益观三者的合金。

    The new quality perspective of teaching-research in general senior middle school should be alloy of new academic perspective , talent perspective and benefit perspective .

  26. 该计划是专门为主要兴趣在学习电机业业务和应用的学术环境的优秀人才准备的。

    The program is designed for talented individuals whose primary interest is to learn the Electrical Industry Business and apply their academic in our environment .

  27. 创新团队作为我国科学研究领域中新出现的一种重要学术组织形式和人才培养模式,最早是根据科研工作需要自发形成的。

    As an important academic organization form and personnel training mode in Chinese scientific research field , Innovation Team is first formed spontaneously based on the scientific need .

  28. 吉尔曼从学术精神、学术人才和学术制度等方面入手管理霍普金斯大学,使其成为美国第一所研究型大学。

    Gilman from the academic spirit , academic personnel and academic management system and other aspects of Johns Hopkins University , making it the first American research university .

  29. 章开沅教授强调研究方法的更新和研究领域的拓展这两者之间的互动,注重国际学术交流和学术后备人才的培养,并由此极大推动了近代史学科的发展。

    He emphasizes the interaction between renewing the investigation method and broadening the research realm , and pays much attention to keeping the international academic communication and training the successive talents , thus greatly promoting the development of the discipline of Chinese modern history .

  30. 浓郁的学术氛围是大学的生命和灵魂,是培养学术人才的重要条件。

    Strong academic atmosphere is the life and soul of a university , which also plays an important role in training academic researchers .