
  • 网络eyeball economy
  1. 不可否认,在眼球经济时代,好的炒作可以吸引人们的眼球,创造出可观的经济效益。

    It is undeniable that the time in the eyeball economy , speculation can be good to attract people 's eye to create considerable economic benefits .

  2. 如今,我们身处一个眼球经济、快餐文化迅猛发展的社会中,科学技术高速进步的同时,人们的精神食粮却日渐匮乏,社会的风气也日益浮躁。

    Today , we live in an " eyeball economy " society with rapid development of the fast-food culture . The progress of science and technologies is in high-speed . However , the spirit of the people is growing shortages . And the social atmosphere has become increasingly impetuous .

  3. 科技网站GigaOM的马修•英格拉姆认为,Twitter的大多数收入依靠“眼球经济”,也就是把消费者的关注卖给广告商。

    Twitter makes much of its revenue ( a reported $ 260 million last year ) by selling the gaze of consumers ' eyeballs to advertisers .

  4. 在当今这个眼球经济时代,庞大的微博用户基数意味着丰富的注意力资源、意味着潜在的商机。

    A large number of users mean the attention resource , it has a huge potential business opportunities .

  5. 频道包装在当今社会这个眼球经济时代是一个热门的话题,也是一个有趣的话题。

    Nowadays the channel package is a popular topic in society of " eyes economic times ", also it is an interesting topic .

  6. 与创意产业与内容产业相对应,当代世界进入了一个眼球经济与注意力经济的时代。

    Because of the homology of creative and content industries , rivalry has entered an era where investment is based on eyeballs and attention .

  7. 眼球经济时代到来的今天,悬念意识被电视节目策划者引入到了电视剧之外的电视节目策划中。

    With the coming of the " Eye Economy " , the sense of suspense is introduced into other TV Programs rather than only in TV plays .

  8. 在眼球经济时代的今天,西安工装定做这已成为国内许多服装品牌重要的探索命题。

    In today 's marketplace where no efforts are spared to catch the eyeballs , it has bee an important subject for discussion among many domestic visual merchandisers .

  9. 所有的视觉广告都将是眼球经济的一部分,从户外的、平面的到视频的、网络的,都是随着科学技术发展应运而生。

    All the visual advertising will be part of the eyeballs , from outdoor , flat to video , network of , is all along with science and technology development arises at the historic moment .

  10. 可以说,新派交友节目以俊男美女为吸引眼球经济的基础,通过制造贫富悬殊的阶级代表,刺激嘉宾们做出选择,物质条件优越的嘉宾总会得到较多的关注,这也是消费思想的一种体现。

    It is can be said that , the new breed of Chinese TV dating show takes more attention to the appearance , and makes the guests based on a wealth gap , then stimulate them to make choice which is the reflection of consumerism .

  11. 心理学研究表明,人接收到的多数信息来自视觉系统,因此人们非常关注由于吸引了受众的眼球而带来的经济效益,眼球经济由此而提出。

    Psychological studies have shown that the majority of information is received from visual system , so people are very concerned about the economic benefits from attracting eyes of the audience . Then " eyeball economy " is proposed .