
A Study on the Relationships between and Criteria for Truth and Value
The Relation Problem of Truth and Value Scouts
Based on the truth theory and value sense , analysis is made on scientific education and humanity education .
The development of sports should avoid the separation of the truth and value , the science and morality .
So all of these questions are then posed by Said 's sense of the relationship between truth and value in the history of Orientalist scholarship Now where is he coming from ?
Science and technology is loaded with value in itself . As a human activity , scientific research is the unity of truth and value , of subject and object , and of regularity and purpose .
The relation between the philosophy and true-life can be outspreaded through such issues as philosophy and demos , philosophy and social practice , truth and value , knowledge and belief , rationality and non-rationality , vision of philosophers .
Vice versa , according to the living structure of human beings and the world melted into one , the truth and value , science and ethics have the premise of internal relation , thus the scientific free thinking can be kindness-oriented in ethical moral .
Study on Views of Truth and Value on Criminal Suit Testimony
Unification Historical Truth and Historical Value in Research on History of Higher Education
In the development of socialism it is dialectical unity of the outlooks of socialist truth and values .
The fifth chapter discusses the spiritual essence of the scientific outlook on Development : the truth principle and the value principle of dialectical unity .
Based on the principle of the unity of the view of truth and the view of value , and an internal connection of Manuscript and Ideology is established .
Marxist philosophy approaches rationality from the perspective of practice and sees rationality as a unity of law , purpose and standard , stressing the need to explore the rational ways of development in the unity of the principles of truth and the principles of value .
The St and ard of Truth and of Value
It is pointed out in this paper that the criterion of productive force is both the criterion of truth and value with unity and multiformity , and the unification of truth and value .