
xiānɡ duì yì wù
  • personal obligation, relative duty, relative obligation
  1. 而作为未来社会公民的大学生是属于特别权力关系下的相对义务人,不被允许提起行政救济。

    As the future citizen , the university students belong to relative obligations under the special power relations who are not allowed to bring an administrative relief .

  2. 论行政调查中相对人协助义务的限度

    On Limitation of Assisting Obligation in Administrative Investigation Witness and His obligation

  3. 我国是以发展中国家身份入世的,可享受一些优惠待遇,而承担相对较少的义务。

    China entered the WTO as a developing-nation , which enables it to enjoy more privilege with fewer obligations .

  4. 本章首先明确了业主委员会的权限以及相对应的义务和责任。

    This chapter begins with a clear scope of rights of the owners ' committee and the corresponding obligations and responsibilities .

  5. 与激励机制相对应,注意义务属于约束机制的范畴。

    Chapter five pays attention corresponded mechanism of duty of care , including incentive and litigation mechanism .

  6. 相对顺势发展的义务教育和普通高中阶段教育,职业教育的发展可谓困难重重。

    Relative homeopathy development of compulsory education and high school stage education , occupation education development is difficult .

  7. 论食品卫生行政控制决定中相对人的法律义务和责任

    Discussion on law duties and responsibilities of a law relative person under the decision of food hygiene administrative control

  8. 行政法治的实质就是通过正当程序实施对行政权的有效规制,限制行政权的恣意行使,承认或规定相对方充分的程序性权利,实现行政主体与相对方整体权利义务的平衡。

    The essence of administrative legality is an effective ruling of administrative power through a correct procedure , in which the administrative power could be appropriately restricted with a full recognition of rights of the opposite side .

  9. 国家把土地石漠化的防治提到了空前的高度,在防治过程中产生的问题,需法律规定来明确相对人的权利义务。

    China has raised the prevention and control of oak desertification to an unprecedented level . Solution of problems in the process of control relies on laws and regulations to make clear rights and obligations of the counterpart .

  10. 江苏省作为经济社会的相对发达地区,义务教育的发展已经取得了瞩目成就,但其发展水平与小康目标对基础教育的需求相比,仍有很大差距。

    Jiangsu Province is a relatively developed area of economic and society , and its development of compulsory education has made great achievements , but compare with the level of development and well-off target , there is still a big gap .

  11. 尽管这种行为的目的是为了迫使行政相对人履行法定义务或达到与履行法定义务相同的状态,但它很容易侵害行政相对人的合法权益。

    Although this behavior is intended to force the executive relative to the performance of statutory obligations or to fulfill legal obligations with the same state , but it is relatively easy to abuse the legitimate rights and interests of the Chief .

  12. 行政强制执行是解决行政相对人拒不履行已生效的具体行政行为所确定的义务的一种行为,它的目的是迫使行政相对人履行义务或达到与履行义务相同的状态。

    Administrative enforcement is a behavior to solve the administrative counterpart refused to fulfill the obligations established by the specific administrative act in force already . Its purpose is to force private parties to fulfill their obligations or achieve the same states of fulfill their obligations .