
  • 网络DC withstand voltage test;direct-current withstand voltage test
  1. 水内冷电机直流耐压试验方法探讨

    Inquisition into DC Withstand Voltage Test Method of Internal Water-cooled Generator

  2. 指出交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆的交接试验沿用传统的直流耐压试验方法存在不足,较合适的方法是进行2U0,5min的调频串联谐振试验。

    It is indicated that the conventional method of DC withstand voltage test is defective for the acceptance test of XLPE cables , and the frequency-modulated series resonance test of 2U_0 , 5 min is more appropriate for the said purpose .

  3. 本文首先分析了直流耐压试验和传统的交流耐压试验在XLPE电力电缆绝缘检测方面的优缺点,在此基础上阐述了使用变频串联谐振技术实现XLPE电力电缆现场交流耐压的可实现性。

    First analyzed the DC voltage test and the traditional AC voltage withstand test in the power cable insulation testing in the advantages and disadvantages , and based on this , using the series-resonant frequency technology field AC voltage XLPE power cables can be realized .

  4. 推广直流耐压试验,开展电机状态预测

    Extending the DC Voltage-withstand Test , Carrying Out the Electric Machine State Detection

  5. 电缆的试验及运行记录表明,其交接试验中直流耐压试验不是十分有效的方法;

    It is shown that DC voltage withstand test is not very effective .

  6. 高电压直流耐压试验对电缆寿命的影响

    Influence of HVDC Withstand Voltage Test on Cable Life

  7. 直流耐压试验在电气安装中的应用

    Application of direct current pressurization test in the course of electrical equipment installation

  8. 电力电容器进行直流耐压试验的危害

    Harm of Voltage Withstand Test on Power Capacitors

  9. 煤矿企业电力电缆直流耐压试验的缺点及改进方法

    Coal mine electric power cable DC voltage endurance test : weak points and proposed improvements

  10. 水内冷发电机定子绕组通水直流耐压试验装置

    Development of HVDC Test Set for Water Internal Cooled Stator Windings of Power Generator Under Circulating Cooling Water Condition

  11. 分析了高电压直流耐压试验可有效发现纸绝缘电缆缺陷,但在发现交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆缺陷方面有局限性。

    The HVDC withstand voltage test can discover the defect of paper insulated cable efficiently , but it has limitation in discovering the defect of cross-linked polyethylene insulated power cable .

  12. 在分析橡塑电缆直流耐压试验存在问题的基础上,对目前适合的橡塑电缆试验的几种方法进行比较。

    Based on an analysis of the problems existed in DC voltage withstand test for rubber plastic cable , some methods currently suitable for testing rubber plastic cables are compared .

  13. 岭澳核电发电机安装完成后,需要在现场做交、直流耐压试验,以检验发电机的绝缘特性。

    The Ling'ao nuclear power generator should carry out the AC and DC withstand voltage tests to check the insulation performances of the unit after finishing the erection work on site .

  14. 发电机端部绝缘从制造角度来讲是1个较薄弱的部位,运行中发生故障的几率较高,而交、直流耐压试验是判断发电机定子绕组绝缘优劣最常用、有效的手段。

    Generators-manufacturing perspective from the Department of insulation is a relatively weak body , the probability of higher operational failures , and to , DC impatient testing is the most superior judgment generator stator winding insulation commonly used and effective means of the world .

  15. ±800kV直流设备现场直流耐压试验

    On-site DC Voltage Withstand Test of ± 800 kV DC Equipment

  16. 汽轮发电机定子直流泄漏及直流耐压试验

    DC Leakage and DC Voltage Endurance Test of Turbogenerator Stator