
  • 网络Target Project;target items;Objectives Project
  1. 从Mappings窗口,将源项目映射到目标项目。

    From the Mappings window , the source items are mapped to the target items .

  2. 请注意将名称、姓氏、书籍和标题目标项目映射到各自的源项目中。

    Notice that first-name , last-name , books , and title target items get mapped to the respective source items .

  3. 基于目标项目驱动式的JAVA课程教学改革

    Teaching Reform of Java Course with Target Project Mode

  4. 在“Mappedname”区域中,为在目标项目中生成的选择元素输入一个新名字。

    In the " Mapped name " field , type a new name for the selected element that is to be generated in the target project .

  5. 同样,映射目标项目lang到各自的源项目。

    Similarly , map the target item lang , and the id 's to the respective source items .

  6. 流程完成后,在目标项目中的XMLSchemas文件夹下生成一个Cubing模型。

    Once the process completes , one Cubing model is generated under the XML Schemas folder in the target project .

  7. 在一个映射模型中,您可以具体地指定一个UML元素应该映射到目标项目中的什么地方,以及它的名字。

    In a mapping model , you can specify exactly where a UML element should be mapped to in the target project and what should be its name .

  8. 创建将在某个目标项目中使用并扩展的抽象的AspectJ类。

    Create an abstract AspectJ class that will be used and extended in some target project .

  9. 如果您使用的是实用JAR文件,这个向导可能将Java类编写到目标项目中,这将在其它项目,模块或者JAR文件中用相同的名称来掩盖已经存在的类。

    If you use utility JAR files , the wizards may write Java classes to the target project that will mask preexisting classes with the same name in other projects , modules , or JAR files .

  10. 而如果您点击的是警告对话框中的Cancel按钮时,目标项目中仍然会生成代码,而源模型中的UML元素则不会被参考所取代。

    If you click the Cancel button in the warning dialog , the code is still generated into the target project , and the UML elements in the source model are not replaced with the references .

  11. 或者,您可以将目标项目作为一个工作区来使用,这个工作区包含了为和SOA模型相关的一组UML-to-SOA转换而生成的所有项目。

    Alternatively , you can use the target project as a workspace that contains all of the projects generated for a set of UML-to-SOA transformations of related SOA models .

  12. UML-to-SOA转换配置需要一个目标项目,所有获得的成果都被放置在这个目标项目中。

    The UML-to-SOA transformation configuration requires a target project in which it places all of the derived artifacts .

  13. 指定联系的名字,RequisiteProREST联系的名字(例如:http://reqwebhostname/ReqWeb/Servlet/project/projectname),登录私密性信息的名字,以及目标项目区域的名字。

    Specify the name of the connection , the RequisitePro REST connection ( for example : http : / / reqwebhostname / ReqWeb / Servlet / project / projectname ), the login credentials , and the target project area .

  14. 创建名为Lab2Code的新目标项目。

    Create a new target project named Lab2Code .

  15. “退化是另一个问题。”美国华盛顿特区的世界资源研究所的森林景观目标项目经理FredStolle说。

    " Degradation is another story ," says Fred Stolle , programme manager of the Forest Landscape Objective , at the US-based World Resources Institute , in Washington DC .

  16. 发现了重复测验效应(又称为记忆增强效应),即反复测验可以提高对目标项目的回忆(Erdelyi,Becker,1974;Payne,1987)。

    A second consistent finding is that repeated testing can lead to greater overall recall of the target material under certain conditions , a finding called hypermnesia ( Erdelyi , Becker , 1974 ; Payne , 1987 ) .

  17. 对铁路运输企业目标项目设计的探讨

    The Research of Designing of Objective Items for Railway Transportation Enterprise

  18. 明确的映射&要映射一个目标项目,确定值时绝对不能含糊。

    Unambiguous mapping & Mapping a target item must not create ambiguity in determining the value .

  19. 课外活动&目标项目是否具有吸引你的社团或活动?

    Extracurricular opportunities – Does your target program offer clubs or activities that appeal to you ?

  20. 多目标项目费用分摊,是项目投资的难点和薄弱环节。

    It is a difficult point and a weak part for distributing the investment of multi-objective projects .

  21. 警告:如果源项目和目标项目的的位置不同,则项目间的交叉链接可能会断开。是否继续?

    Warning : cross project links may break if the source andtarget project locations are different . continue ?

  22. 而直接比较法是一种便于操作的、非常实用的评估目标项目市场价值的方法。

    The direct comparison is a practical and easily-operated method to evaluate the market value of privately-owned enterprise .

  23. 对源模型的任何更改,都将会在有人运行转换时,推广到目标项目中。

    Any changes made to the source model will be propagated to the target project when someone runs the transformation .

  24. 在一个转换配置中,您需要指定的第一件事,是资源模型以及目标项目。

    The first thing that you need to specify in a transformation configuration is the source model and the target project .

  25. 在您运行转换以后,在不更改源模型的前提下,更新目标项目也是可能的。

    After you run the transformation , it will be also possible to update the target project without changing the source model .

  26. 目标项目中已存在名为%1的文件。要覆盖它吗?

    There is already a file in the destination project named ' % 1 ' . Do you want to overwrite it ?

  27. 实证分析表明:通过确立目标项目,调整资产与负债结构,可以较好地实现商业银行的利率风险免疫。

    Meanwhile , it is showed by demonstration that interest risk immunization can be achieved by setting target item and adjusting asset and liability structure .

  28. 将该源模型文档添加到指定数据库模型的项目窗口中,并将该文档设置为以后版本的目标项目。

    Adds this source model document to the project window of the specifed database model , and sets that document to be the target project for subsequent builds .

  29. 最后,依据本方法,对于目标项目进行局部的设计研究,并根据设计研究的结果进行系列产品的新品开发设计。

    Finally , according to this new method , a partial research on target project is carried on and new product is developed according to the research result .

  30. 在第四章中,文章分析比较了多目标项目集合选择问题的两类求解方法:参数方法和非参数方法,讨论了参数方法的缺陷。

    In the fourth chapter , two methods for solving multi-objective subset selection problem : parametric and nonparametric are compared , and the shortcoming of parametric method is analyzed .