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  • Disk surface;market situation of stocks and futures, etc. in a certain period of time or at a given point
  1. 大多数气压计的盘面都刻有天气术语。

    The dials of most barometers are inscribed with weather terms .

  2. 这个巨大的盘面建在一个碗状的山谷上。

    The giant dish is built on a bowl-like valley .

  3. 较大的盘面将能够捕捉到较弱的信号。

    The bigger dish will be able to pick up weaker signals .

  4. 当起钻到BHA,扶正器到达钻盘面时,司钻必须刹住刹把,让钻工移开方补心。

    While pulling the BHA through the rotary table , the Driller must stop when stabilisers reach the table and have the Floormen remove the bushings .

  5. 为提高固体浸没透镜(SIL)和盘面之间的近场耦合效率,设计并研制了一种基于流体力学微流动理论的近场光存储深亚微米微型飞行头。

    A microsize flying head was developed based on the micro fluid theory of hydrodynamics to improve the coupling efficiency between solid immersion lens ( SIL ) and disk for near-field optical recording .

  6. 近年来交大船模试验池发展了一种JDC三叶调距桨系列,该系列包括盘面比为0.35、0.50及0.65三组螺旋桨。

    Recently a JDC three bladed cpp series with expanded area ratio 0.35, 0.50 and 0.65 was developed in the ship model towing tank of Shanghai Chiao-Tung University .

  7. 迈克·科尔斯(MichaelKors)带着自己的独角秀——迷人的时装、活泼的俏皮话和疯狂的粉丝等——上路了。“来,尝尝墨西哥肉卷。”迈克·科尔斯转动餐桌转盘,就像在转动幸运轮,让一盘面皮停在我面前。

    Michael Kors takes his one-man show - glamorous fashions , zingy one-liners , crazed fans and all - on the road . " Here , take a fajita . " Michael Kors spins the lazy Susan like it 's the Wheel of Fortune so that a starchy circle lands in front of me .

  8. 我要求盘面有暗纹。

    We need the surface of the plate to have creases .

  9. 可为客户提供从盘面设计制作到成品的全线服务。

    For clients from disk design to finished products range services .

  10. 复杂仪器仪表盘面背景中目标字符的提取与识别

    Division and Recognition of the Desired Characters in Complicated Instrument Surface Image

  11. 转速增加使盘面平均努赛尔特数增大;

    Averaged Nusselt number enlarges with the increase of Rotational Reynolds number .

  12. 盘面可准确显示机器的运转状况。

    Operating conditions of the machine can be indicated accurately on the panel .

  13. 直翼推进器盘面直径你来掌方向盘,我来推。

    Blade-circle diameter You steer and I 'll push .

  14. 坑形通过注塑工艺在聚碳酸脂盘面形成。

    Pits are formed in the polycarbonate disk by an injection molding process .

  15. 仪表显示器盘面的颜色对检察速度的影响

    The influence of color upon the rate of detection of instrumental visual display

  16. 从这个盘面来看,双方真是棋逢对手啊。

    From the situation on the chessboard , both sides are indeed of equal skill .

  17. 袖珍免学型笔触整字字盘的盘面设计及其输入方法袖珍型即拍即现照相机

    The Design of an Easy-To-Learn Pocket Piezoelectric Characters Keyboard Face and the Relevant Input Method

  18. 应力盘智能控制盘面面形的表征方法及检测技术的研究

    Method for representing the surface and testing technology of stressed - lap in CMAC controller

  19. 废轮胎裂解塔内加热盘面的传热传质模型

    Heat and mass transfer model of heating disks in pyrolysis plant for used tires processing

  20. 应力盘盘面变形智能控制研究

    Research of Stressed-Lap Surface Deformation Intelligent Control

  21. 整体来看,周五盘面个股行情是百花齐放绚丽多彩。

    Overall , the stock market Friday disk is colorful letting a hundred flowers bloom .

  22. 确切地说,仅仅在盘面速度比较大时才能成立。

    Exactly say , it is correct only when the disk velocity is high enough .

  23. 数独盘面是个九宫,每一宫又分为九个小格。

    Sudoku disk is Jiu Gong , every house is divided into nine small cells .

  24. 在螺旋桨非定常水动力性能的计算中,船体对螺旋桨的影响以桨盘面处的非均匀伴流来模拟。

    The influence of ship hull was given as unsteady flow on the face of the propeller .

  25. 构造应力面研究计算机数控应力盘面形研究

    RESEARCH ON TECTONIC STRESS PLANE A Study on the Surface Shape of a Computer Controlled Stressed Lap

  26. 新样式的占卜板大多是塑料盘面,上面的刻度环一般是透明的。

    It was very ornate and antique looking with a wood dial and glass opening in it .

  27. 光学玻璃平面研磨盘直翼推进器盘面直径

    Flat optical tool blade-circle diameter

  28. 土卫一位于最右侧光环附近,紧贴着土星盘面。

    Small moon Mimas is just touching Saturn 's disk near the ring plane at the far right .

  29. 修饰说明与磁盘系统的读/写头相关的一种术语,在该系统中读/写头通常不接触盘面。

    Pertaining to read / write heads in magnetic disk systems that do not usually touch the disk surface .

  30. 仿真氧气生命指示器采用步进电机驱动和光电开关定位开环控制系统,在设计和实现中成功地解决了指示器盘面刻度非均匀的问题,并解决了光电开关确定零位问题和限位问题。

    The oxygen life indictor is an open-loop system made up of the step motor with a photoelectric switch .