
  • 网络charge carrier
  1. 晶粒尺寸越大单位面积晶粒密度越小,同时薄膜内部的晶界密度减小,减小了薄膜内部的陷阱态的作用。从而会大大增大电荷载流子的迁移率,改善器件性能。

    The grain density per unit area and grain boundary density will decreases , which will greatly increase the charge carrier mobility and improve the device performance .

  2. 结果表明,注入层内电荷载流子的输运机理可用Mott的可变自由程跳跃(VRH)理论给以解释。

    The result shows that the transport process of charge carrier in bombarded layer can be interpreted by Mott 's VRH model .

  3. 有机材料中的电荷载流子的输运,可以看作是从一个分子团到另一个分子团的跳跃,我们可以称其为跳跃过程(hoppingprocess)。

    We can consider charge-carrier transport as hopping from a molecule to another molecule , and call hopping process .

  4. 因此,研究带相反电荷载流子注入与输运的动力学过程对于理解OLED发光的微观机制是非常有帮助的。

    Therefore , it is helpful to study the injection and transport of electrons and holes to understand the microcosmic mechanism of an OLED performance .

  5. 结合上面发现的载流子的裂变,我们发展了ESR(电子自旋共振,电荷载流子的自旋反转)的对偶性质,自旋载流子的电荷反转。

    Because polaron is a spin carrier , combining with the polaron fission , we also developed a new dual principle of ESR ( electron spin resonance ), charge flipping of spin carrier .

  6. 从实验中得出结论:在25℃~65℃的温度范围下,非晶态硒中电荷载流子的输运服从浅陷阱模型。与此同时,有机电致发光器件(OLED)也呈现出快速发展的势头。

    From the experiment concludes : in the range of temperature 25 ℃~ 65 ℃ and higher field strength , the drift of charge-carrier obey the trap model . Meanwhile , the Organic Electroluminescent Device ( OLED ) have also shown a momentum of rapid development .

  7. 电荷载流子倍增输出概率分布对图像均匀性影响因素研究

    Influencing Factors of Image Uniformity Affected by Output Probability Distribution of Charge Carrier Multiplier

  8. 这系列高聚物电荷载流子通路主要依赖于金属d轨道重叠。

    And the paths of charge carriers are mainly depend on the overlaps of d orbitals between metal atoms .

  9. 因此,电荷载流子倍增寄存器工作频率越高,其电荷倍增因子越小。

    It means that the higher the frequency of CCM is , the smaller the charge multiplication factor is .

  10. 但是如果电解质中各类电荷载流子的扩散率是不相同的,那么,通过电解质的电压降将是二次方地变化。

    But if the diffusion rate of varies charge carrier in electrolyte is different , so the voltage drop which passed electrolyte would change in square .

  11. 当系统的传输尺度达到某个特征尺度大小(电荷载流子的相位相干长度)时,必须考虑系统的量子效应。

    It is clear when the transport dimension reaches a characteristic dimension , namely , the charge carrier inelastic coherence length ; quantum effects must now be taken into accounted .

  12. 电致发光有机薄膜中空间电荷对载流子密度的影响

    The influence of space charge on the carriers in organic light-emitting films

  13. 在凝聚态物理里,基于描述载流子性质自旋和电荷,载流子可以分为自旋载流子和电荷载流子。

    In condensed matter physics , according to two degrees of freedom describing the properties of carriers , carriers can be divided into two categories : charge carriers and spin carriers .

  14. 空间电荷区内部载流子的产生与复合;

    ( 2 ) Generation and recombination of carriers in space charge region .

  15. 而空间电荷电场随着载流子的空间位置的变化而变化,并同时影响载流子的瞬间运动状态,其变化复杂,并且对载流子运动的影响不容忽视。

    Oppositely , space-charge field changes along with the movement of the carriers , and influences the movement of carriers synchronously . It 's an intricate process and can not to be ignored in PCSS 's.

  16. 实验研究获得了所研制探测器的电荷收集效率和载流子寿命,验证了理论计算结果。

    The charge collection efficiencies and charge carrier lives of the detectors developed in the thesis are obtained .

  17. 以往的研究中杂质仅仅体现电荷属性,影响载流子的电荷输运;引入磁性杂质后,由于自旋自由度的引入,磁性杂质对载流子自旋输运的影响得以展开研究。

    In the previous studies , impurities only reflect charge properties which affect the charge transport of carriers . With the introduction of magnetic impurity , due to the introduction of spin degree of freedom , the effect caused by magnetic impurity on the spin transport process are studied .