
  • 网络Cable Tunnel;electric cable tunnel
  1. 基于PLC的电缆隧道无线分布式监控系统

    PLC-based wireless distributed supervision system for cable tunnel

  2. 电缆隧道消防PLC控制系统

    Fire PLC Control System for Electric Cable Tunnel

  3. 基于ARM的煤矿井下电缆隧道超温预警系统的研究

    Research on Underground Coal Mine Fable Tunnel Over-temperature Warning System Based on ARM

  4. 220kV高压电缆隧道内的敷设

    Laying 220 kV High Voltage Cables in the Channel

  5. 220kV交联聚乙烯高压电缆隧道敷设工程220kV变电站及输电线路土建先行必要性和可行性分析

    Installation of 220 kV XLPE Cables in a Tunnel Necessity and feasibility of civil work first in the construction of 220 kV substations and transmission lines

  6. 长距离大断面电力电缆隧道通风设计探讨

    Discussion on ventilation design for tunnels of long-distance and large-section cables

  7. 穿越陇海铁路的电缆隧道介绍

    Brief introduction of cable tunnel successfully passing through the Longhai Railway

  8. 城市电缆隧道渗水分析及防水措施

    Water seepage analysis of city cable tunnel and water prevention measures

  9. 郑州电缆隧道施工中几个问题的探讨

    Probe into Some Problems of Construction of Zhengzhou Power Cable Tunnels

  10. 浅谈电缆隧道渗漏水的处理

    Discussion on the Treatment of Water Leakage in the Tunnel

  11. 第三则是关于建造海底电缆隧道。

    The third one was about building submarine cable tunnel .

  12. 大型地下电缆隧道浅埋暗挖法施工技术

    Shallow-concealed excavation technology for large scale underground cable tunnel construction

  13. 并举例叙述了电缆隧道内的消防设计。

    The design of fire control in the cable tunnel is illustrated .

  14. 电缆隧道入口处堵水装置

    Water blocking device for the inlet of cable tunnel

  15. 电力电缆隧道计算机综合监控系统研究

    The Research of Computer Synthesize Control System for the Electric Power Cable Tunnel

  16. 电缆隧道潜水泵状态采用微机监控的改造

    The improvement of the submergible pump monitored by microcomputer in the cable tunnel

  17. 火电工程中电缆隧道裂缝原因分析及控制

    Cause Analysis and Control of Cracks in Cable Tunnel of Power Plant Projects

  18. 城市地下电缆隧道施工竖井摆喷防渗墙施工技术

    Seepage Prevention Technique of Shaft of City Cable Tunnel

  19. 电缆隧道防火预警系统的研究

    A Study of Fire Alarm System for Cable Channel

  20. 某城市电缆隧道的消防设计分析

    Analysis on the Fire Protection Design of the Cable Tunnel in some city

  21. 几种电缆隧道防火措施

    Several Kinds of Fire Proof Measures for Cable Tunnels

  22. 电缆隧道的通风设计

    The Ventilation Design for the Electric Power Tunnel

  23. 电缆隧道施工地压问题

    Ground Pressure Problem in A Cable Tunnel Engineering

  24. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。

    They are building a submarine cable tunnel .

  25. 防火用电缆隧道隔断门的传热性能研究

    Studies on Performance of Thermal Conductivity of Fire - Blocking Door of Electric Cable Channel

  26. 电缆隧道的消防设计

    Design of Fire Control for Cable Tunnel

  27. 高压灌注机在发电厂电缆隧道渗漏治理工程中的应用

    Application of high pressure pouring machine in leak treatment of cable tunnel of a power plant

  28. 上海世博会电力电缆隧道一标工程下穿越地铁2号线施工技术

    Construction Technology for Shanghai World Expo Electric Cable Tunnel Project Section I Undercrossing Metro Line No.2

  29. 乘欧洲之星列车穿过海底隧道他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。

    Travelling Under the Channel in the Eurostar Train They are building a submarine cable tunnel .

  30. 城市电力电缆隧道防火分区及通风分区设计取值

    Data Determination for the Design of Fire Protection Compartment and Ventilation Area of Urban Power Cable Tunnel