
  • 网络mesh current method;loop current method
  1. 分析了造成中点电位波动的原因,并以间接控制中点电位两种方法即定频滞环和不定频滞环电流法为例从原理上进行了分析和比较。

    The causes of neutral-point potential fluctuation are analyzed , and the comparison . Give fixed and non-fixed frequency hysteretic loop current method .

  2. 借助网络图论,用回路电流法列写了便于计算机辅助分析计算的网络方程,计算了单相电源供电的三相异步电机稳态运行时的各支路电流。

    Network equations , which are associated with loop current method and suitable for computer aided analysis and calculation , are established by means of graph theory . The steady state branch currents of a three-phase induction machine with single-phase source supply are computed .

  3. 文章介绍了多频管中电流法(PCM)对防腐蚀层进行定量检测的原理和检测步骤,并给出具体的应用结果。

    The inspection principles of PCM for corrosion protection coatings and inspection procedures are described and application results are presented .

  4. 传质系数k是考察反渗透等膜过程中浓差极化的重要参数。为了较确切地测定k值,本文建立一种采用特制多孔电极的扩散电流法。

    The mass-transfer coefficient k is an important parameter for predicting the concentration polarization of reverse osmosis and other membrane separation processes .

  5. 采用模拟闭塞电池恒电流法研究了随沉船沉入海底的铁器文物在海水中局部腐蚀发展过程闭塞区内部化学状态的变化规律,探明了闭塞区溶液pH值下降和氯离子迁移的规律。

    The chemical behavior within the occluded cell of marine iron artifact in shipwreck during localized corrosion has been investigated by means of a simulated occluded cell .

  6. 用温度调制空间电荷限制电流法研究GD-a-Sic∶H膜的隙态密度

    Measurement of Density Gap State in GD-a-Sic : H Films by Temperature-Modulated-Space-Charge-Limited-Current Method

  7. 脉冲电流法测量YBa2Cu3O(7-δ)薄膜的I-V性质

    Transport characteristics measurement of yba_2cu_3o_ ( 7 - δ) thin film using pulse current method

  8. 虽然已有放电信号模式识别的大量研究,但是针对脉冲电流法测得的GIS局部放电信号模式识别的研究比较少。

    Although there is much research about the pattern recognition of PD signal , but there is not much research about the pattern recognition of GIS PD signal measured by the pulse current method .

  9. 采用计时电流法测定Os(bpy)32+在聚合物AQ单层和AQ与PVP组成的复合膜修饰电极中的扩散系数。

    Determination of diffusion coeffcient of Os ( bpy ) 32 + in monolayer film and composite film by chronoamperometry is reported .

  10. 提出了一种三相电流法测量阻性电流,并在理论分析的基础上,研制了MOA带电测量装置。

    A three-phase current method is presented to measure resistive current , based on which an electrified measuring instrument for MOA is developed .

  11. 用循环伏安法(CV)、计时电量法(CC)和计时电流法(CA)测定了SNP在GCE上的电极过程动力学参数如电荷传递系数α,扩散系数D以及表观速度常数Kf。

    The electrode kinetic parameters such as charge transfer coefficient α, diffusion coefficient D and apparent reaction rate constant k_f are determined by CV , CC and CA.

  12. 循环伏安法和计时电流法的测试结果表明,复合催化剂中Au的加入有利于甲醇的电催化氧化,并提高了Pt对甲醇氧化的抗毒化能力。

    Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry results show that the addition of Au into composite catalysts is beneficial to the electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol and the anti-poisoning ability of platinum for methanol oxidation is enhanced .

  13. NC-1型内阻测定仪根据方波电流法原理制成,可用于测量大容量电池、起动电池和其他电池的内阻。

    The Model NC-1 Measuring Instrument for Internal Resistance based on the square wave current method .

  14. 研究结果表明,用PMT及电流法有一定局限性,而NV可以作为研究及检测气体绝缘装置(GIS)局部预放电的重要手段。

    Experiments show that while the photomultiplier method and the current pulse method may have some limitations , the image intensifier method can be a good means to detect partial discharges in gas & insulated systems .

  15. 首先利用注吸电流法对工作在电感电流断续(DCM)情况下的Flyback变换器进行建模分析,得出相应的控制到输出特性。

    First , the " Injected-Absorbed Current " method is utilized to model a Flyback converter operating in discontinue current mode ( DCM ) and after that the control to output characteristic is derived .

  16. 并且应用虚拟仪器技术成功研制了基于接地线电流法的绝缘在线检测系统,该系统可以实时检测电缆的接地线电流、tanδ、绝缘等效电阻和绝缘等效电容。

    Finally , an insulation on-line detection system is successfully developed by the application of the virtual instrument technology and Grounding Current method . This system can be real-time detection of the grounding line current , tan δ, insulation equivalent resistance and insulation equivalent capacitance .

  17. 用稳态恒电流法和断电流技术研究了Co3O4对RuO2-TiO2(60)/Ti阳极析氯催化活性和欧姆降的影响。

    The effects of Co_3O_4 on the catalytic activity and ohmic drop of RuO_2-TiO_2 ( 60 ) / Ti anode for chlorine evolution were studied by steady-state galvanostatic method and current interruption technique , etc.

  18. 最后对XLPE电缆中局部放电老化进行了理论研究。3、应用接地线电流法重点研究金属屏蔽层单端接地XLPE电缆绝缘在线检测方法。

    Finally , partial discharge of XLPE cables to the theoretical study of aging has been studied . 3 、 It is Single-ended earthing of metal shield layer XLPE cable insulation on-line detection which is made focus research on with Grounding Current .

  19. 取得的主要成果有:利用Saber仿真软件,基于局部放电脉冲电流法,建立了电力变压器绕组、电力变压器及其外联网络和在线检测系统的暂态模型。

    The main results are obtained as following : Utilizing simulation software Saber , based on PD pulse current method , the transient models are established for power transformer windings , power transformer and its external network , and on-line detection system .

  20. 通过热诱导去极化电流法(TSDC)进行极化机理分析得出,极化区域位于玻璃表面很薄的一层区域内,与理论计算结果相符。

    The poling mechanism was studied by the method of thermally stimulated depolarization current ( TSDC ) and the poled regions was found in the thin surface layer of glasses , which was the same as the calculated result in theory .

  21. 结合湖州的实际情况,选用了平均电流法进行了实例计算。

    Based on the average-current method , line-loss calculation is provided .

  22. 周期反向电流法高电流密度电解精炼铜的研究

    Study on high current density copper electrorefining by periodic reversible current

  23. 离子电流法在直管道燃烧器中应用的初步研究

    Study on Application of Ionic Current in Straight Conduit Combustion Bomb

  24. 基于脉冲电流法的合成绝缘子在线检测系统

    On-line Detecting System for Composite Insulators Based on Pulse Current Method

  25. 采用离子电流法与机体振动法检测爆震的比较

    Comparison of Knock Detecting between Ionic Current Method and Block Vibration Method

  26. 聚焦电流法隧道超前探测导电纸模拟

    Simulating focused-current advanced detection in tunnels by conductive paper test

  27. 用方波电流法研究油溶性缓蚀剂

    Study of Oil Soluble Corrosion Inhibitor by Square Wave Current

  28. 阴极保护常采用牺牲阳极法和外加电流法。

    Normally cathodic protection is acquired by sacrificial anodes or impressed current .

  29. 用热激发电流法研究金刚石薄膜中的陷阱

    Investigation on Traps in MPCVD Diamond Films by Thermal Stimulated Current Measurements

  30. 砷化镓扩散长度的变加速电压束感生电流法测量

    Determination of diffusion length of GaAs by electron beam acceleration voltage scanning