
  • 网络Electronic Dance Music;techno
  1. 说实话,我并不是K-pop的铁杆粉,这些音乐朗朗上口、结构千篇一律、杂糅着各种当代音乐元素,常常是建立在传统流行乐结构基础上的电子舞曲。

    Honestly , I 'm not a big fan of K-pop itself - the catchy and calculating strain of music that somehow manages to simultaneously sound like every contemporary musical genre , mostly electronic dance music , arranged in conventional pop song structures .

  2. 我要播放任意风格的电子舞曲。

    I 'm bustin ' out some free range electronic dance music .

  3. 2011年,来自布鲁克林的DJBaauer发行了一首电子舞曲,而在2013年,这首歌就出现在了很多热门视频中。

    Then , in 2011 , it was the title of an electronic song produced by Baauer . Now , in 2013 , the song has become the track of many viral videos .

  4. 《音乐节奏》囊括了90首免费歌曲,从电子舞曲到日本流行音乐应有尽有。

    Cytus consists of 90 free songs ranging from techno to J-pop .

  5. 这张专辑贯穿了新浪潮音乐、电子舞曲和流行舞曲,是清新悦耳又充满乐趣的流行音乐珍品。

    The album is a refreshingly fun pop gem that traverses New Wave , electro-disco and dance-pop .

  6. 实际上,一些人认为浩室音乐这种电子舞曲是以“仓库”俱乐部命名的。

    In fact , some people say the style of electronic dancing music -- house takes its name from the Warehouse .

  7. 他是一位国际流行巨星,演奏的电子舞曲惊艳了无数乐迷。

    He was one of the biggest international pop stars , blowing thousands of fans " minds with his electronic dance music .

  8. 这个组合极其少见而又超级精妙的现场演出,又从一个方面为今天利润丰厚、以盛大场景为追求的电子舞曲演出设定了标准。

    And the group 's ultrarare , mega-elaborate live shows helped set the standard for today 's lucrative , spectacle-driven electronic-dance music festivals .

  9. 电子舞曲已成为这个夏日最欢快的魔咒,变出了许多当季大红大紫的歌曲。

    Electronic dance music ( EDM ) is now casting its cheerful magic all over the hot summer , producing many hit songs of the season .

  10. 哈莱姆摇摆舞在中国又被称作哈林摇,它是基于纽约布鲁克林音乐制作人Baauer的同名电子舞曲发展出来的。

    The Harlem Shake - or Halin Yao , as it 's known in Mandarin - is based on an electronic dance track of the same name by Brooklyn-based producer Baauer .

  11. 虽然该音乐节的乐曲范围有点窄(官网宣称它是高品质的非商业地下电子舞曲),但是对那些想更多了解中国文化的人来说,它是个很好的切入点。

    And while the music is a bit narrow in scope ( the website touts it as high quality noncommercial underground electronic dance music ), it can serve as a good jumping-off point for those who want to see more of Chinese culture .