- 名electronic intelligence

In1979 , the PLA Navy demanded a surveillance ship that can monitor foreign ships and collect electronic intelligence in offshore waters .
The statements were made by Robert Hannigan , the newly appointed director of GCHQ , Britain 's electronic intelligence agency .
Modelling of Electric Information Disposal System Based on Object-oriented Petri Net
In the future , the battle is actually bout of elint and reconnaissance .
Passive detector and location system belongs to the electronic detector / aiding system , which is an important part of Electronic War ( EW ) System .
The Chinese government has vehemently denied that it is responsible for hacking attacks , while pointing to detailed disclosures by Edward Snowden of how the United States engages in extensive electronic intelligence gathering on China .
Equipped with electronic intelligence ( ELINT ), bow-mounted sonar , optical and acoustical surveillance systems , the ship was designed to collect foreign ship intelligence in offshore waters .
The emitter radar signal received by electronic intelligence system ( ELINT ) receivers is the function of time , relative space position , various complex modulation and the atmospheric propagation effect , etc.
The Application of Delphi to the Study of Electronic Intelligence
Intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence .
Radar emitter signal detection is a key technology in modern electronic intelligence systems .
Pacific Electronic Information Center
In the electronic reconnaissance and countermeasure field , it is more and more important to analyze the in-pulse character of complicated signals .
In carefully choreographed moves , drones were used to spy on the Syrian defences , fool their radars and gather the electronic intelligence needed to destroy them .
Recognition of the radar emitter signal is the key of signal processing in radar countermeasure and an importance part of electronic intelligence system and electronic support system .
Radar emitter signal detection and parameter estimation is a key process of signal processing in electronic intelligence systems and also a focus and difficulty in the signal processing of electronic countermeasure .
In order to fit for the Electronic Warfare environment of today and future , Electronic Support Measure and Electronic Intelligence systems must have the ability to analyze rapidly and dispose all kinds of radar signals in real time or near real time .
In the design of main modules , we discuss the development of image-grabbing card ( CA6300 ), the design of the transparent menu , the JPEG compressing algorithm of color image , the electronic map and the information reception database .
Electronic library and information user education
The report was released by the Electronic Technology Information Research Institute , a subsidiary of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China . More than 254,000 people participated in the survey .
Until now , Deep Web data integration is still a hot research topic . Deep Web data integration can effectively integrate data of the Web , and it can support for e-commerce , market intelligence analysis and public opinion analysis .
Up-to-date information delivery through the electronic media is becoming important to all segments of the agricultural community .
The technologies of information network have also made the network station easy to success in the field of electronic library . book information system and other commercial service .
The third , carried out a comparative study and concrete realization on application status of personalized information services , including colleges and universities , e-commerce website and information institute .
EW ( Electronic Warfare ) receiver is a greatly important part of the electronic intelligence reconnaissance systems .
In the modern electronic warfare , receiver is an important part of the electronic information guarantee system , whose main function is to receive the signal in the complex signal environment of non-cooperation , and its performance directly affects the quality of the obtained electronic information .
In electronic warfare , electronic reconnaissance receiver is an important part of the electronic reconnaissance system and electronic intelligence security system and mainly used to receive radar signals and communication signals .