
  • 网络electronic commerce;E-commerce;e-Business;Electronic Business
  1. 快速增长的互联网提供了一个平台促进电子商业存在。

    The fast growing internet has provided a platform for E-Business to exist .

  2. 地方电信系统的电子商业模式的构建设计

    The Conception of E-business of Local Telecommunication Design

  3. 电子商业(即B2C电子商务)作为一种新生的零售业态,正对城市的零售业空间造成深刻的影响。

    As a new retail channel , E-commerce ( B2C E-business ) is having a profound impact on the urban retail space .

  4. EIC商业版为电子商业和企业提供了易于安装的一体化解决方案。

    EIC Commerce Edition was designed as an easy-to-install pre-packaged solution fore-businesses and enterprises .

  5. 下面是我依据一位提问者的要求编辑的样本图,此君对旧金山/硅谷、纽约市或波士顿的电子商业、移动或“软件即服务”(SaaS)公司感兴趣。

    Below is a sample chart that I put together answering the question for someone interested in either e-commerce , mobile or SaaS companies in SF / SV , NYC or Boston .

  6. 一种地方电信系统电子商业模型的构想

    The Consideration on E - business Model of Local Telecom Design

  7. 电子商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。

    The payer of an ECD shall be the acceptor .

  8. 电子商业对企业价值链的挑战

    Impact of E - Business On the Business Value Chain

  9. 有专为电子商业交易的设定的费用标准价目表。

    There 's a standard fee schedule for e-commerce transactions .

  10. 我作为顾问的大部分工作都是关于电子商业方面的。

    Most of my work as a consultant has been with e-commerce .

  11. 本文的余下部分主要讨论一个电子商业订货表单示例。

    The remainder of this article focuses on an example e-commerce order form .

  12. 而且电子商业已成为事实,并预料会以倍数增长。

    Electronic commerce has become a reality and is expected to grow exponentially .

  13. 这可能包括电子商业和类似的项目。

    That might include e-commerce and similar projects .

  14. 此举有助香港发展电子商业和电子支付模式。

    This facilitates the development of electronic commerce and electronic payments in Hong kong .

  15. 有了电子商业我们就会有更多的顾客。

    With e-commerce we can reach more people .

  16. 网络产生新的电子商业模式

    Network Bring Us New Business Modes

  17. 互联网的众多用户是所谓的供应商,购买方或中间人电子商业。

    The numerous users of the internet are so called suppliers , purchasers or middlemen of E-Business .

  18. 资讯及新媒体开发院提供现代化的综合资讯科技服务,特别是电子商业的服务;

    The Institute of Information and Media Industries provided streamlined and integrated IT services , in particular e-Commerce .

  19. 连接其主要的电子商业应用领域,作为中间件进行转换和协调之间的商业应用。

    Connect their major e-business applications , acting as middleware that performs conversions and coordination between business applications .

  20. 翻译:极大程度上,我们认为电子商业并不包括企业界限涉及价值交换的商业交易。

    For the most part , in our view , E-business does not include commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across-organizational boundaries .

  21. 除了在秋叶原电子商业区出售几千日元模型和机器人的商店,其他商家的生意也很兴隆。

    The stores in Akihabara that sell models and robots costing several thousand yen are not the only ones that are doing well .

  22. 例如,在电子商业表单内,在获取个人信息后,供应商希望了解付款方法。

    For instance , within the e-commerce form , after obtaining the personal information , vendors would like to know the payment method .

  23. 网络和电子商业将会造就一大批自由职业者,从而将对社会结构产生深远的影响。

    The net and electronic commerce will foster a large number of freelancers , and this will affect social structure in a big way .

  24. 当前电信市场竞争激烈,提出了构建地方电信系统的“以客户为中心”的电子商业模式,从各个功能群集阐述系统架构。

    This paper brings forward one concept of e-business of local telecom design for the purpose of serving customers and discusses each function pack .

  25. 对于电子商业的疑惑大多来自于这样一个流行的错误概念,即认为广义的电子商业仅指通过互联网从事商品的买卖和服务。

    A large part of that puzzle stems from the popular misconception that e-business simply means buying and selling products and services over the Internet .

  26. 新型线上线下电子商业模式,网上订购和线下服务催生了这种新型工作——职业跑腿者。

    New O2O business model , order online and receive services offline , gave birth to a new type of job , professional errands runners .

  27. 我们之所以对电子商业这个概念不清楚是因为我们容易混淆电子商业和电子商务这两个概念。

    The reason why we are likely to have a confusing idea about e-business is that we often misunderstand the conception between e-business and e-commerce .

  28. 这个专题研讨提供学术上及实际面的方法以建构电子商业系统,其中特别强调正在快速兴起于网络的教育市场。

    This seminar provides an academic as well as practical approach to architecting e-Commerce systems , with special emphasis on the fast emerging web-based education market .

  29. 全球贸易以及电子商业和电子商务的出现,加强了英语作为商务交流的世界语言的地位。

    The globalization trade and the advent of e-business and e-commerce have reinforced the status of English as the international language for business communication in the world .

  30. 在某些国家,网上汽车市场正在奇迹般的加速发展,很有希望在最近的将来,成为电子商业最热门的部门之一。

    In certain countries , the online automobile market is speeding up incredibly promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future .