
  • 网络electronic document;Electronic Official Document;e-document
  1. 对政府公文格式进行了详细的分析,并在此基础上提出了基于XML的电子公文的结构化表示方法。

    2 , Give the detailed analysis to the form of the government document , and on this basis , we has proposed the structure of electronic official document based on XML .

  2. 针对电子公文交换过程中信息的完整性、机密性、可追溯性要求,简介密码技术、数字水印技术、PKI结构和电子印章技术,及这些技术的一些典型实现算法。

    To meet the requirement of the integrity , confidentiality , and traceability of the information in the electronic official document exchange , the technologies of cryptography , digital watermark , PKI structure and electronic seal , and the typical algorithms of them , are introduced in this paper .

  3. 在这种情况下,基于WEB的电子公文收发平台系统应运而生。

    In this case , send and receive electronic documents system on WEB-platform came into being .

  4. 基于XML电子公文安全传输方案研究与设计

    Research of electronic document transfers with security based on XML

  5. 电子公文的XML签名的实现

    Research and Implementation on XML Signature of Electronic Official Documents

  6. 基于XML的电子公文加密与数字签名设计

    Design on Encryption and Digital Signature of Electronic Official Documents Based XML

  7. 基于XML安全的电子公文系统研究与设计

    An Electronic Official Document System Design Based on XML Security

  8. XML安全技术在电子公文交换系统中的应用

    Applying of XML security technology in electronic document exchange system

  9. 基于XML安全技术的电子公文交换系统

    Electronic Documents Exchange System Based on XML Security Technology

  10. 在电子公文流转的体系结构上主要包括了客户端、WEB服务器以及工作流应用服务器。

    In whole system , workflow , WEB and theory of Mail transfer are used as main technology .

  11. XML加密及其在电子公文中的应用

    Application of XML encryption in electronic document

  12. JAVA开发电子公文流转系统

    Developing Official Document - flow System with JAVA

  13. NET的C开发工具实现了DSA数字签名技术,保证了电子公文流转的安全性。

    NET , and to assure the security of electronic official document s circulation .

  14. 基于Java的电子公文加密传输

    Electronic Archives Encryption Transmission Based on Java

  15. 本论文以电子公文交换为研究题材,研究并提出了一个基于internet的跨平台电子资料交换架构。

    This thesis focuses on the research of electronic document exchange , has studied a cross-platform Electronic Data Interchange framework base on Internet .

  16. 基于MDA技术的电子公文管理系统的设计

    Design of the Electronic Document Flow Management System Based on Model Driven Architecture Technology

  17. 从前面所讲的产生背景我们不难看出,本系统主要是应用于发布的Web站点以及政府、企业的电子公文及电子文档。我们可以归纳为以下几种:1、政府网站。

    Base on the above presentation about the system we can conclude that this system mainly serves for release the electronic document for web sites and governments .

  18. 结合具体实际需求应用了基于WEBService的各项标准、协议和电子公文Web服务实现接口标准。

    Moreover , according to the practical demand , bring forward different standard , protocol based on Web Service . And also suggest the implement interface standard of the E-document Web Service .

  19. 此外,公文的处理流程也是严格按照已定义好的XML电子公文处理流程在不同的部门和人员之间进行流转的,杜绝了在此过程中可能出现的营私舞弊;

    The flow of document between people and department is strictly according to the process definition , all these make the platform to be security and probity .

  20. 本文较全面地讨论了一个电子公文交换与管理系统的设计与实现技术,并对其使用的关键技术XML与WebServices进行了较深入的研究。

    This thesis had broadly discussed the design and implement technology of an electronic document exchange and management system , and deeply researched the key technology XML and Web Services .

  21. 随着INTERNET的高速发展,电子公文的概念已经越来越受到广大政府部门和企业的重视,并在近1-2年得到一定的发展。

    With the development of INTERNET , vast government departments and businesses realize the importance of electronic document step by step , which has been rapidly developed within recent 1-2 years .

  22. 利用公钥基础设施PKI技术,把XML加密应用于电子公文,保证了电子公文的安全。

    Using PKI technology , the XML encryption technology is applied to the electronic document , the electronic document security is guaranteed .

  23. 基于本体论及Lucene的电子公文检索系统

    Electronic Official Document Inquiry System Based on Ontology and Lucene

  24. 将XML技术应用到系统设计中,实现了电子公文生成、显示和传输的自动化,提高了数据访问效率;

    Implying XML techniques to the whole E-government system design , it helped the implementation of electronic files processing and transfer automatization , and improved the efficiency of data accessing as well .

  25. 针对web环境下普遍存在的电子公文被伪造和恶意删改等问题,提出一种方便可行的基于全文特征抽取生成验证码的电子公文加密防伪算法与验证技术。

    Aiming at the problems of electronic documents falsification , bowdlerizing hostility and so on , this paper introduces an encrypting arithmetic and validating technology based on characteristic getting which creates valid code of the electronic document .

  26. 目前市场上的XML编辑器都不是针对电子公文的编辑而开发的,不适合政府部门用户使用。

    In the current market , there are not XML editors developed for the editing of electronic documents . The existing XML editors don 't suit the habits of users in the government .

  27. 本文提出了一个基于XML的签名方案,充分利用XML的结构化特点,实现对电子公文的部分签名和多重签名。

    An XML signature scheme of electronic official documents based on XML is proposed and implemented . The XML signature based XML tree-shaped structure can be implemented for part - signature and multi-signature .

  28. 基于SGML的电子公文标准化研究与实现

    Research and implementation of standard SGML government document

  29. 论文首先指出了研究中国电子公文结构设计的目的与意义,并明确了中国电子公文结构设计的基本概念与原理,还对XML置标语言技术进行了研究。

    The article first points out the aim and meanings of studying the official electronic documents ' structural design in China , and ascertains its basic conception and principle , and also studies XML , as a markup language technology .

  30. 按照复杂适应性理论(CAS),采用动态管理的方法对建立的模型进行了分析,开发出基于工作流的具有普遍适应性的电子公文流转处理系统。

    A model of government-document-moving was built according as a material and representative sending-file moving , analyzed using the Complex Adaptability System ( CAS ) and dynamic management method .