
  • 网络group;User Group;users;usergroup
  1. 选择Security项然后选择用户组名。

    Select the Security tab and then the users group name .

  2. Fixednumberofusers:您在每个用户组中选择的作为样本的用户数。

    Fixed number of users : The number that you select is sampled from each user group .

  3. PLATFORM公司是80多个铁路用户组的联盟。

    PLATFORM is an alliance of more than 80 rail-user groups .

  4. 如果您不是Rational用户组的成员,不要再等待了。

    If you are not a member of a Rational User Group , wait no longer .

  5. windows应用了用户组策略。

    Windows applied user group policy .

  6. 当然,没有遍及全球的成千上万的Rational用户组成员,这一切都不可能实现。

    And of course , none of this would be possible without the many thousands of Rational Users Group members worldwide .

  7. 查看此列表可以了解DB2本地用户组进行交流的时间和地点。

    View the list to find out where and when your local DB2 users group meets .

  8. 但是可能更重要的是,Rational用户组是专门构建的,以便成员能够在每次会议期间都可以立即收获相关的技术诀窍。

    But perhaps more important , Rational User Groups are structured so that members gain immediate and relevant technical know-how during each meeting .

  9. 但是,许多论坛和用户组可以帮助解决与DB2相关的任何问题。

    However , there are many forums and user groups that can help to resolve any DB2-related issues .

  10. 将用户组绑定到LDAP中的组

    Bind User Groups to Groups in LDAP

  11. 图9:配置蓝色的RAM用户组来支持该审查过程。

    Figure 9 : RAM user groups , in blue , will be configured to support this review process .

  12. WebSpherePortal可让您为不同的用户组个性化您的门户,而且您可以基于属性进行管理。

    WebSphere Portal lets you can personalize your portal for different groups of users , and you can enable administration based on attributes .

  13. Percentageofusers:您从每个用户组中选择的作为样本的用户占的百分比,但每个用户组中至少会有一个用户。

    Percentage of users : The percentage that you select is sampled from each user group , but at least one user is sampled from each user group .

  14. 欢迎来到北京GNOME用户组!

    Welcome to Beijing GNOME User Group !

  15. 一个用户组是一组用户,这些用户可以通过手动添加用户来产生,也可以通过绑定一个LDAP查询来取得用户数据。

    A user group is a list of users that can also be populated by manually adding users or by retrieving user data bound to an LDAP query .

  16. AIXV7.1提供用户组扩展能力,以及新的密码策略和对ODM目录的访问限制等安全改进。

    AIX V7.1 provides user group scalability and security enhancements such as new password policies and access restriction to ODM directories .

  17. 但是,因为Geronimo是开放源代码的,所以支持文档的缺乏通过开放源代码可用性和用户组支持得到了补偿。

    However , because Geronimo is open source , the lack of documentation supporting it is compensated for by source code availability and user group support .

  18. IDUG还维护了世界范围的地区和本地用户组列表。

    IDUG also maintains a worldwide list of regional and local users groups .

  19. 可以在SDN上的博客条目中找到如何将所需的应用程序角色映射到UME中的用户组的详细说明。

    Detailed instructions on how to map the required application roles to user groups in UME can be found in this blog entry on SDN.

  20. 第二种方法中,有限家庭基站协作,应用正交补空间算法和Gram-Schmidt算法构建准正交的同道用户组,从而抑制了同道用户之间的干扰。

    In the second scheme , quasi-orthogonal user groups are constructed by virtue of orthogonal complement space and Gram-Schmidt . The proposed algorithm greatly suppresses co-channel interference .

  21. 使用WLM,您不仅可以防止不同类别的作业相互干扰,还可以基于不同用户组的要求分配资源。

    You can use WLM to prevent different classes of jobs from interfering with each other and to allocate resources based on the requirements of different groups of users .

  22. 学完本系列,您应当能够安装Ganglia并与Nagios绑定在一起,并且可以回答不同的用户组向您询问的监视问题。

    By the end of this series , you should be able to install Ganglia and make tie-ins with Nagios , as well as answer the monitoring questions that the different user groups will ask you .

  23. 出席您组织的用户组会议。

    Attend your organization 's user group meetings and conferences .

  24. 无法删除此跨网站用户组,因为它包含其他跨网站用户组。

    Cannot delete this cross-site group because it owns another cross-site group .

  25. 域组不能是跨网站用户组的所有者。

    A domain group cannot be the owner of a cross-site group .

  26. 首先,将您的测试添加到用户组。

    First , add your test to your user group .

  27. 用户组形成了更大的支持社区。

    The group of users form a larger support community .

  28. 此网页列出了网站中的所有跨网站用户组。

    This page lists all the cross-site groups in your web site .

  29. 项目管理员可以创建和删除用户组。

    Project administrators can create and delete user groups .

  30. 记录的测试被添加到用户组中。

    Recorded tests are added to the user groups .