
  • 网络Biorefinery;biorefineries;bio-refinery;biorefining
  1. 美国农业部有专门的生物燃料和生物炼制技术的研究经费,现在正在探索如何其他形式的可用于农业用途的可再生能源,例如风能和太阳能。

    The USDA has dedicated research funding for biofuels and biorefinery technology and is exploring how other forms of renewable energy , such as wind and solar , can be adapted to agricultural uses .

  2. 生物炼制是以可再生生物质资源为原料,生产能源与化工产品的新兴工业模式。

    There are abundant of biomass resources and the usable bio-mass quantity in China .

  3. 介绍了生物炼制的发展现状和生物炼制的主要框架,对生物炼制的发展方向进行了展望。

    The status quo of bio-refining development and its mainframes are introduced , and its developing trend is previewed .

  4. 戊糖乳杆菌的黏附能力及对肠道菌群的调节生物炼制中的科学难点&戊糖利用及其调控机制

    Adhesion Evaluation of Lactobacillus Pentosus Strains Isolated from Chinese Foods Which are Able to Modulate Intestinal Flora Key Issue for Biological Refinery : Pentose Utilization and Its Regulation

  5. 为玉米化工醇釜残物资源化利用提供理论依据,提升了生物炼制行业的整体水平,拓宽了减水剂行业原料来源。

    It provides theoretical basis for CPR resource utilization , and promotes the overall level of biological refining industry , broaden sources of the raw materials in water-reducing industry .

  6. 国内外各大公司正逐步向生物炼制行业发展,我国主要以玉米及其附属品为原料,进行生物炼制产业的发展。

    Major domestic and foreign companies are gradually to a biological refining industry development . Our country mainly uses corn and accessories as raw material to develop the biological refining industry .

  7. 其中,生物化工醇是生物炼制产业中的关注焦点。

    Among them , bio-chemical polyols is the emerging field and the focus of attention of bio-refining industry .

  8. 评述了工业生物技术是生物经济的支柱,其应用将形成生物能源产品工程与生物炼制技术生产大宗化学品与生物材料的产品工程。

    Industrial bio-technology is the support for bio-economy . Its applications will bring forth bio-energy , bulk chemicals and biomaterials .