
  • 网络changes in life;life change
  1. 对于所有渔民来说,做出这种生活变化都是非常困难的。但是对于这里的越南人和柬埔寨人来说,要到BP石油公司寻找工作和寻求赔偿,语言障碍也增加了他们的困难。

    Making this life change is hard on all fishermen , but for the Vietnamese and Cambodians here , the language barrier is an added obstacle in trying to reach out to BP for work and compensation .

  2. 怎样适应退休的生活变化?

    How to get used to emeritus life change ?

  3. 我们搬到伦敦后,感觉生活变化很大。

    We found it quite a change when we moved to London .

  4. BCS及照料者生活变化问卷测评显示,老年性痴呆患者的照料负担依次为经济负担>心理健康>家庭生活>家庭关系>躯体健康>家庭活动。

    BCS and the changes of caregiver 's living questionnaire revealed that the burden of care of patients with AD from high to low was as follows : economic burden , mental health , family living , family relationship , body health and family activity .

  5. 首先向行长热情汇报其生活变化的是身有残疾的妇女Magliamma。她动员了其他像自己一样的人加入了一个自助小组。

    Magliamma , a disabled young woman , who had mobilized others like herself into a self-help group , was the first inspiring voice to tell the President of the changes in her life .

  6. 我国已将步入高龄社会,住宅的环境应配合社会与生活变化来考虑其未来的发展。

    Our country will get into the advanced age society .

  7. 今天我们的生活变化得比历史上任何时候都快。

    Today our lives are changing faster than at any time in history .

  8. 这是个有趣的生活变化。

    It 's an interesting life change .

  9. 已经确定的称呼语可能随着谈话者关系变化或社会生活变化而改变。

    The established addresses vary with the change of talkers ' relation or social life .

  10. 这会影响人们在工作中的表现,尽管个人的生活变化属于私人性质的。

    They often affect how well people perform in work , although personal transitions are private in nature .

  11. 词语,是感知社会生活变化最为敏锐、最为独特的一个视角。

    Words , are the most keen perception social life changes , one of the most unique perspective .

  12. 即主要讲了英国家庭生活变化的诸多原因。

    There are many reasons why family life in Britain has changed so much in the last fifty years .

  13. 不仅印度进口的电视节目,而且斯里兰卡生产的节目,都对斯里兰卡社会的日常生活变化具有影响。

    Not only Indian imported television programs but also Sri Lankan productions have impact on Sri Lankan society in their lifestyle changing .

  14. 他们都更偏好有关于社会交往,社会化和生活变化以及国家主题的文化内容。

    Both parties have more preference for the themes related to social interaction , socialization and the life cycle , and national history .

  15. 管理者也不应该忽略个人的生活变化比如令人心痛的员工家人生病或者死亡。

    Management should also be able to handle negative personal transitions like a distressing family illness or a death in an employee 's family .

  16. 因特网带来生活变化机会那些不居住在大城市但如果是唯一可负担得起。

    The Internet can bring life-changing opportunities to those who don 't live in large cities , but only if it is available and affordable .

  17. 社交媒体就像是记录用户生活变化的一览表,如果情绪波动和衣柜更新都属于这个范畴,那么怀孕自然也不例外。

    Social media serves as a * catalogue for users " life changes , and if mood swings and wardrobe updates qualify , pregnancy certainly fits the bill .

  18. 要转换政治观念,关注生活变化,一手抓好弘扬社会主义精神文明的号角文学,一手抓好丰富人们生活情趣的休闲文学;

    With political conception transformed and attention paid to life , both literature that carries forward socialist spiritual civilization and light literature that enrichs people 's life are to be developed .

  19. 雅与俗的分化与融合既是社会生活变化在艺术领域的反映,也是艺术自身因素按规律相互作用的结果。

    The separation and merge of serous literature and popular literature reflect the social changes in the field of art and is the result of mutual functioning of various artistic factors according the internal law .

  20. 时间差不多时,邦妮把卡西抱进了宠物临终安抚室。那是经医院参与“生活变化”项目的医务人员安排,使之更适合动物无痛苦死去和更能抚慰宠物主人悲痛心情的场所。

    When it was time , Bonnie brought Cassie into the client comfort room , an area that those of us associated with The Changes Program had adapted to be more to humane animal death and client grief .

  21. 家庭这一作为所有社会组织中反应社会生活变化最敏感、最迅速的单元,随着社会体制的变革,传统的家庭伦理面临着现代化的挑战,这一点在城市表现尤为突出。

    With changes in social institutions , family , as the most sensitive and rapid cell in response to the social life changes among all the social organizations , is faced with modern challenges which were especially prominent in the city .

  22. 本书论述了近50年来家庭生活的变化程度。

    The book discusses the extent to which family life has changed over the past 50 years .

  23. 我加入了洛蕾塔·李斯教授的一次夜间行走。她专门研究城镇生活的变化。大卫·西利托�BBC通讯员

    I joined Professor Loretta Lees – her specialism : how life is changing in towns and cities .

  24. 词语对社会生活的变化极为敏感,反应也极为迅速。炒这个词新义的产生带有市场经济发展的特征。

    The word cho has feature of market economy development .

  25. 独立自强,乐于应对生活的变化。

    To become more independent and more willing to change .

  26. 1870&1914年英国经济结构的调整与社会生活的变化

    Adjustment of British Economic System and Change of Social Life in 1870-1914

  27. 生活是变化的进程,是无情的逝水流年。

    It is a becoming , a relentless flowing on .

  28. 患者治疗前后性生活满意度变化显著。

    Change significantly before and after treatment in patients with sexual satisfaction .

  29. 新中国成立以来的社会变迁与道德生活之变化

    The Social Development of New China and the Transition of Socialist Morality

  30. 电影与近代中国城市市民生活的变化

    Movie and the Changes of People 's Life in Modern Chinese Cities