
  1. 义务教育经费投入不足表现为:义务教育财政性投入占GDP的比例偏低、义务教育经费总支出中政府承担的比例偏低、义务教育生均公用经费地区差异明显。

    The insufficiency of compulsory education funds investment displays mainly the following aspects such as an improper ratio between financial investment and GDP , and the area great difference of public funds per students .

  2. 抽样调查研究表明,部分地区内部在人均教育经费、教育普及水平、教师工资、生均公用经费、办学条件等五个方面存在巨大差距。

    Samples and investigations indicate that a tremendous intra-regional gap also exists in five respects : per capita education funds , the level of educational popularization , teacher salary , per capita public educational funds and conditions for running a school .

  3. 二级指标共有27个,包括在校生数、毛入学率、生师比、生均公用经费、音体美及仪器设备达标率等指标。

    The level 2 has 27 items including the number of students , gross enrollment rate , teacher & student proportion , public fund per student , the qualification ratio of sports , music , art and teaching equipment , and so on .

  4. 从结构上,研究结论认为:在1998&2004年间,①省级地区间投资失衡最为严重的是生均预算内公用经费;

    Structurally , the research conclusion concludes that , from to 2004 ( 1 ) in provincial level , most seriously unbalanced investment is the public funds per student in budgets ;

  5. 教育经费总量投入不足、初中教育经费负担结构不合理,导致江西省初中教育,尤其是农村初中教育生均教育事业费和生均公用教育经费严重偏低,直接制约了江西省初中教育的良性发展。

    Insufficiency total education fund investment and unreasonable burden structure of junior-middle-school education fund cause lower Jiangxi junior-middle-school education funds , especially rural junior-middle-school education industry cost and public education funds for students , which directly restrict the benign development of Jiangxi junior-middle-school education .