
  • 网络productivity growth
  1. 技术效率、技术进步与生产率增长:基于DEA的实证分析

    Technical Efficiency , Technical Progress & Productivity Growth : An Empirical Analysis Based on DEA

  2. 国际RD溢出与生产率增长基于APEC视角的动态面板数据分析

    International R & D spillover and productivity growth : A dynamic panel data research from the perspective of APEC

  3. 工资的涨幅高过了生产率增长的速度,从而消耗了利润所得。

    Wages were rising faster than productivity and this was eating into profits .

  4. FDI行业间技术溢出与广东工业生产率增长研究

    A Study on the Inter-industry Technology Spillover of FDI and the Growth of Industrial Productivity in Guangdong

  5. 2010年实际GDP增长3.8%,生产率增长0.7%,平均每周工作时间温和增加。

    Real GDP grows at a rate of 3.8 per cent in 2010 , with productivity growth of 0.7 per cent and a modest increase in average weekly hours .

  6. 适逢达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)召开,美国2006年生产率增长为10多年来最低水平,经济动力正转向东欧和亚洲的新兴经济体。

    With perfect timing for the World Economic Forum at Davos , US productivity growth in 2006 was the lowest in more than a decade and economic power is shifting to emerging economies in eastern Europe and Asia .

  7. 近来人们对生产率增长的普遍预期大幅下降,这一趋势如果长期保持下去,将对人均国内生产总值(GDP)的可实现水平造成巨大影响。

    Recently , there have been significant downgrades to consensus estimates of productivity growth which , if maintained for long , would have enormous effects on the attainable level of gross domestic product per capita .

  8. FDI投入、国有企业比重、资本劳动比、废气治理投资和环境管制成本对生产率增长都有显著影响。

    FDI investment , the proportion of state-owned enterprises , the capital labor ratio , the investment of emission control and environmental regulations have a significant impact on productivity growth .

  9. 例如,最近研究表明,在OECD国家,导致生产率增长的技术进步的主要来源不是来自国内的研发活动而是来自国外的研发活动。

    For example , recent work has shown that the major sources of technical change leading to productivity growth in OECD countries are not domestic ; instead , they lie abroad .

  10. 第三,从耕地Malmquist全要素生产率增长的区域差异角度来看,全要素生产率增长的地区差异较为显著,而且地区全要素生产率的增长结构也不完全相同。

    Thirdly , from the view of regional differences , cultivated land Malmquist total factor productivity growth in different areas is totally diverse .

  11. 1987年,为了质疑计算机在生产率增长中的作用,Solow提出了Solow悖论。

    In 1987 , Solow originated the " Solow paradox " and pointed out that the computer did not have a significant influence on productivity growth .

  12. 进一步的,通过比较ICT使用程度不同的部门的产出增长、劳动生产率增长情况,分析出信息化水平与产业经济增长速度的关系。

    Further , by comparing the output growth , labor productivity growth of sectors with different degrees of ICT use , we analyze the relationship between the level of information and industrial economic growth .

  13. 据野村证券(Nomura)估计,1994年至2008年期间,中国工业企业实现了21%的年度劳动生产率增长,而年度薪资涨幅仅略高于13%。

    Between 1994 and 2008 , on Nomura estimates , industrial enterprises showed 21 per cent annual labour productivity growth , while annual wage growth was just over 13 per cent .

  14. “简单的说,增长放缓就是生产率增长的放缓”Eichengreen和他同事这样写道。

    " Growth slowdowns , in a nutshell , are productivity-growthslowdowns ," write Mr Eichengreen and his colleagues .

  15. 在此基础上.利用SBM方向性距离函数和GML指数测算及分解了中国各省市的环境技术效率和环境全要素生产率增长。

    On this basis , estimate and decompose the technical efficiency and total factor productivity growth of Chinese provinces and cities using the SBM directional distance function and the GML index under environmental constraints .

  16. 然而,尽管美国具备所有优势,尽管美国有埃隆•马斯克(ElonMusk)、Facebook以及优步(Uber)等等,但美国在生产率增长方面并不比欧元区更出色。

    But in spite of all the US 's advantages - in spite of its Elon Musks , its Facebooks and its Ubers - the country is doing no better than the eurozone when it comes to productivity growth .

  17. 其次利用DEA的马奎斯特方法测算了全要素生产率增长率并对其做了分解,并在此基础上分析了FDI对技术效率和技术进步率的影响;得到了的结论与随机前沿函数方法基本一致。

    Secondly , we use DEA-malmquist productivity index approach to estimate and decompose the growth rate of total factor productivity and analysis the impact of FDI inflow on technical efficiency and technical progress . We get the conclusions which are consistent with the conclusions based on stochastic frontier function method .

  18. 对所选出的县域农业生产率增长的影响因素进行回归分析,其中装备率、基础设施指标值的扩大能促进农业TFP的增长,土地规模扩大能提高农业TFP但效果不明显。

    Elected county agricultural productivity growth factors do regression analysis , the expansion of the value of the rate of equipment , infrastructure indicators can promote agricultural TFP ( Total Factors Productivity ) growth , land expansion can improve agricultural TFP but the effect is not obvious .

  19. 其次,从耕地Malmquist全要素生产率增长的结构上来看,1990-2008年中的绝大部分年份,耕地Malmquist全要素生产率的增长相当程度上是由技术进步引起的,而非由技术效率的增长所引起。

    Secondly , from view of the structure of the growth , in most of the years from 1990 to 2008 , the growth of cultivated land Malmquist total factor productivity index was considerably caused by technological progress , rather than the growth of technical efficiency .

  20. 劳动生产率增长主要依靠各产业内部生产率的提高来实现。

    The main source is the increase of productivity within industries ;

  21. 第二,全要素生产率增长存在显著的区域差异。

    Second , there are significant regional disparities in TFP growth .

  22. 在生产率增长的根源上有太多的改变。

    So too do shifts in the sources of productivity growth .

  23. 中国改革时期省际生产率增长变化的实证分析(1979&2001年)

    An Empirical Analysis of Provincial Productivity in China ( 1979-2001 );

  24. 全球电信业生产率增长率研究,是本文实证研究的第三部分内容。

    Study on the growth rate of the global telecommunications industry productivity .

  25. 延边工业总要素生产率增长分析

    Analysis on the Productivity Growth of the Total Industrial Factors in Yanbian

  26. 积极财政政策的全要素生产率增长效应

    The Effects of the Active Fiscal Policy on Total Factor Productivity Growth

  27. 在企业生产率增长保持强劲的同时,工资却停滞不前。

    Wages have stagnated while business productivity growth remains strong .

  28. 过去15年美国的生产率增长证实了这点。

    US productivity growth in the past 15 years bears this out .

  29. 制造业的地区空间集聚对全要素生产率增长也存在正向影响,只是作用强度相对较小。

    Agglomeration in regions also have a positive effect on TFP growth .

  30. 本论文提出了产业结构变化对生产率增长影响的评价模型,并进行了参数统计与结果分析。

    Furthermore the parameter appraisal and the outcome of analysis are made .