
  • 网络manufacturing capability
  1. 其中核心系统包括R&D能力、生产制造能力、市场营销能力;

    The core system has R & D capability , manufacturing capability and marketing capability .

  2. 快速响应市场就需要强劲的产品研发能力和高效高质量的生产制造能力为基石。

    The ability needs strong product research and development capacity and high quality production capacity .

  3. 具备国内一流的强力压板精冲模具和精冲零件的设计开发和生产制造能力。

    Now we have the best designing and production capacity of fine blanking dies and parts in China .

  4. 介绍了翻车机的使用范围及其设备类型,分析了翻车机的性能特点及国内外同类产品的生产制造能力和技术水平。

    It also makes an objective analysis and evaluation to the new facilities of the production line and the technological level .

  5. 基于中国廉价的劳动力市场和生产制造能力,已经有越来越多的世界著名品牌将生产转移到中国。

    A growing number of world famous brands have shifted production to China basing on cheap labor market and manufacturing capabilities in the China .

  6. 结合当前先进制造模式,本文介绍并分析了区域企业群网络化制造模式及其实施的关键技术和方法,以快速响应市场需求的变化,提高企业生产制造能力。

    In this paper , a networked manufacturing mode of regional enterprises is introduced , and some key problems related are discussed and analyzed .

  7. 本次展会的举办为邯郸市乃至中原经济区装备制造产业链延伸,提高成套装备生产制造能力做出了重大贡献。

    The exhibition held in handan city and even the economic zone for the equipment manufacturing industry chain extension , improve equipment manufacture ability made significant contributions .

  8. 有了高效的生产制造能力,我们保证产品的供应能力和批量大小始终能够符合市场的动态要求。

    With our own efficient manufacturing capacity , we ensure that deliverability and the batch sizes of our products are in line with the dynamics of our markets at all times .

  9. 经过多年的发展,公司已构建起领先于行业的产品研发能力、生产制造能力与市场营销能力,公司品牌已家喻户晓。

    After years of development , the company has established industry-leading product research and development capabilities , manufacturing capabilities and marketing capabilities , the company brands have already been widely known .

  10. 包括网络信息化指标;创新投入能力指标;创新管理能力指标;研究开发能力指标;生产制造能力指标;创新营销能力指标。

    It includes network informational target ; innovation devotion capacity target ; innovation management capability target ; research and development capability target ; innovation product capacity target ; innovation marketing capability target .

  11. 这种具体的运行能力包括:企业研究和开发能力、供应服务保障能力、生产制造能力、市场营销能力、学习能力和应变能力。

    Such concrete operating abilities of enterprises includes : research and development ability , supply and service supportability , producing and manufacturing capacity , marketing ability , learning ability and adaptability to changes .

  12. 按照价值链原理对业务流程进行重组,并提高信息的共享程度对提高企业的生产制造能力、组织与界面管理能力、特别是提高营销能力具有十分重要的意义。

    Reshuffling the business flow as per the value chain , and the improving information share are all essential to the capability improvement for fabrication , organization and interface , particularly the enhancement of marketing capability .

  13. 通过技术整合,并购企业可以有效地获得目标企业的技术要素,产生技术协同效应,快速提高企业的研发能力和生产制造能力。

    Through technology integration , the enterprises can obtain technology element of goal enterprises effectively , produce the technological cooperative effect , improve the research and development ability of enterprises and manufacturing capacity of production fast .

  14. 但是从我国彩电业的发展历史和现状不难看出,企业的竞争优势是建立在劳动力低廉、技术工人多、产业配套能力较强、市场规模大和强大的大规模批量生产制造能力的基础上的。

    As we can see from the development and present situation of the Industry , the advantages of Chinese firms are mainly based on low labor cost , large numbers of technicians , huge market and large-scale production .

  15. 指出企业核心竞争力包括技术创新能力、战略决策能力、生产制造能力、市场反应和营销能力、组织协调能力等。

    According to this paper , the core competitiveness of an enterprise include the ability in technical innovation , ability in strategic decision-making , ability in manufacturing , ability in reaction to market and marketing and the ability in organizational and coordinative matters , etc.

  16. 在SPC项目的推进过程中,出现了数据采集不合理、生产过程制造能力分析缺乏、控制图构造错误、控制图诊断误用等各种各样的应用问题。

    In SPC project advancement process , appeared the data acquisition not to be unreasonable , lack of manufacturing capacity of the production process , graph of error control , control the misuse of such a wide range of diagnostic application of .

  17. 测试技术几乎涉及所有的工程技术领域,测试技术已经成为生产效率和制造能力的重要标志。

    Testing technology has been applied to most areas of engineering , which has become an important indicator of productive efficiency and manufacturing capabilities .

  18. 先进制造技术、信息技术和网络技术的广泛应用,轮胎产品生产企业的制造能力和制造水平都有了很大提升。

    Advanced manufacturing technology , information technology and network technology widely used , manufacturing capability and manufacturing standards of tire enterprises have been greatly improved .

  19. 利用过程能力分析,分别计算出制丝过程和卷包过程的能力指数,提出了卷烟生产过程的制造能力分析。

    Using process ability analysis , calculates the system silk process and the volume package of process ability index separately , proposed the cigarette production process manufacturing capacity analysis .

  20. 随着国内重型汽车企业的发展和社会对重型汽车需求的不断增长,中国重型汽车生产企业的生产制造能力得到了很大发展,产量逐年增加。

    With the development of heavy automobile enterprise and social needs for the heavy-duty trucks , manufacturing capacity of Chinese automobile manufacturing enterprises has been growing greatly and the production as well as has increased year by year .

  21. 我厂拥用先进的生产设备,有着多年的铜管和空调被覆铜管生产经验,具有极强的生产制造能力。

    We have advanced manufacture equipment , many years of production experience of copper tube and air condition coating copper tube , as well as strong manufacture ability .