
  • 网络environmental protection planning
  1. 论新形势下的环境保护计划管理

    Management of environmental protection planning under the new situation

  2. 中国生态环境问题及环境保护计划

    Ecological environment and environmental protection planning in China

  3. 我不知道你们的环境保护计划是否会在明天的会议上提交讨论。

    I have no notion whether your project about environmental protection will come up at tomorrow conference .

  4. 将环境保护计划纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,这在我国尚属首次。

    It is the first time that environmental protection has been adopted in the national economic and social development plan .

  5. 二月份,它的官员保证在金融项目上新的环境保护计划和社会需求来替代已有的。

    In february , its directors approved new environmental and social requirements to replace existing ones for projects it finances .

  6. 环境保护组织计划在会议期间组织公众抗议活动。

    Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference .

  7. 2001年度环境保护工作计划全面完成。

    The work plan of environmental protection of 2001 was completed .

  8. 试论自然资源和环境保护的计划管理

    Strengthen the planned administration of natural resources and environmental protection

  9. 实行扶贫开发与生态环境保护、计划生育相结合

    Combining Poverty Reduction with Eco-environmental Protection and Family Planning

  10. 环境保护年度计划管理工作的探讨

    Approach on Annual Planning Management of Environmental Protection

  11. 2001年12月26日,国务院批准了《国家环境保护十五计划》。

    On 26 December 2001 , the State Council ratified the National Tenth Five-Year Plan of Environmental Protection .

  12. 试论新形势下的我国环境保护科研计划管理

    Preliminary discussion on the program management in the scientific research of china 's environmental protection under new situation

  13. 虽然南中国海及泰国湾周边国家过去都实施了相应的海洋环境保护行动计划,然而缺乏区域协调措施大大降低了这些行动的有效性。

    Although those countries have implemented corresponding marine environmental protection plans , the lack of regional coordination measures significantly reduced the effectiveness of the actions .

  14. 根据宁波市环境保护十五计划,本文对水资源管理提出了一些措施和建议,如加快引水工程建设,逐步取消饮用水从河网取水;

    According to Tenth Five-Year Plan of Ningbo on environmental protection , with regard to headstream of drinking water , the suggestion was quickening leading water work ;

  15. 自从1998年以来,上海就开始关注德国等国家的循环经济发展,把循环经济的概念纳入了上海的环境保护行动计划。

    Since 1998 , Shanghai has been showing great concern over the recycling-based economic development in Germany and other countries , putting the recycling-based economy into the environmental protection program in Shanghai .

  16. 县级以上人民政府经济贸易行政主管部门,应当会同环境保护、计划、科学技术、农业、建设、水利等有关行政主管部门制定清洁生产的推行规划。

    The above departments responsible for economics and trade under the people 's governments at or above county level shall formulate plans for the popularization of cleaner production jointly with relevant departments responsible for environmental protection , planning , science and technology , agriculture , construction and water conservation .

  17. 工程环境保护工作月计划,现报上请予审批。

    The monthly plan for environmental protection of the project , and it is submitted for approval .

  18. 奥林匹克文化促进了全球的社会现代化,推动了社会经济发展、科技进步,为环境保护,绿色全球计划,起到了积极的作用。

    Olympic Culture has helped to accelerate the global modernizations and has played a very active role in economic development , science technology , environment protection , and " Green " Global Plan .

  19. 绿色奥运,是2008年北京奥运会的重要指导方针,是北京奥运三大理念之一,环境保护已是奥运计划中一个不可缺少的主要部分。

    As one of the three major ideas , green Olympics is an important guideline of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games . Accordingly , environment protection has become an indispensable part of the Beijing Olympic Project .

  20. 联合国环境规划署发布报告说,对环境保护计划进行投资,能够产生巨大的经济效益,尤其是有助于贫困国家的开发。

    Investing in environmental initiatives can have major economic benefits and aid development in poorer countries according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Program .

  21. 从20世纪70年代至今,欧盟各国相继建立了环境保护机构,实行了多个环境保护行动计划,各成员国通过制定和实施共同的环境政策、采取协调行动,改善了欧盟域内的环境状况。

    Since the 1970s , European Union has established its environment protection institution and carried out several environmental action plans of environmental protection . Member countries have reached an agreement on environmental policy and taken same measures .

  22. 事业应依环境保护相关法规设置环境保护专责单位或人员,并订定环境保护计划实施之。

    Enterprises shall establish dedicated units or personnel in accordance with related environmental protection laws and regulations and draft and implement environmental protection plans .

  23. 在《全国环境空气质量标准》颁布后的9个月时间内,要求各州报送环境保护局一份计划,说明在本州实施与维持该标准的措施。

    Within nine months after promulgation of an naaqs , each state was required to submit to EPA a plan designed to implement and maintain that standard within its boundaries .