
  • 网络cutting ring method;ring shear testing
  1. 当采用双环入渗法和环刀法测定土壤的饱和渗透系数时,土壤剖面土壤水压力势分布规律不同。

    The distribution law of pressure potential in saturated soil using two-ring infiltration method to determine the permeability coefficient was different to that using cutting ring method .

  2. 为了提高土壤容重测定中土样采集的效率和精准性,将环刀法和原状取土管法结合,进行了分段式原状取土器的研制。

    To improve efficiency and veracity of soil sampling in testing bulk density , the cutting ring method and in situ soil tube method were combined and a multi-segment in situ soil sampler was designed .

  3. 采用灌砂法、环刀法、核子密度仪法、落锤频谱式快速测定仪(LY-I仪)法4种方法对检测路基压实度的测试结果进行了比较分析;

    The paper determines compaction degree of subgrade making use of pumped sand , cutting ring , nuclear density instrument and drop hammer frequent mensuration methods .

  4. 浸水+环刀法测定干燥风积沙密度

    Density of Wind-Blown Sand Measured by Immersional Wetting and Ring Sampler

  5. 填土路基压实方法与环刀法取样深度中的误区

    Correct Application of Subgrade Compaction Method and Reasonable Cutting Ring Sampling Depth

  6. 填砂密实度的钢筋贯入法与环刀法对比试验

    Contrast Test of Reinforcement Penetration Method and Ring Sampler Method for Sand Filling Compactness

  7. 核子仪法与环刀法测量土的湿密度和含水量的比较和标定试验研究

    Studies on How to Measure Soil Wet Density and Water Content Comparison and Indication

  8. 本文介绍的方法是通过浸水润湿风积沙,再用环刀法测定密度。

    The method which soaks the wind-blown sand before measuring the density by ring sampler is introduced .

  9. 采用环刀法对不同群落的土壤渗透性进行了测定和分析,测定结果表明土壤渗透趋势为逐渐下降,最终趋于稳定。

    Using the method of cutting ring to analyze soil infiltration of different community , the results showed that the trend of soil infiltration went down gradually and stable with the time .

  10. 但是传统的路基压实度检测方法如灌砂法,核子密度仪法和环刀法等,具有费工费时,破坏性大,影响施工等缺点。

    But traditional measuring methods such as sand cone replacement method , nuclear instrument method and circle cutter method etc. have disadvantages such as waste of time and man power , high destructiveness and interfere construction .

  11. 目前,对港口陆域高填方基础压实度检测的传统方法有灌砂法、核子测定法、环刀法等,这些方法仅适用于填筑集料粒径小,厚度较薄的填筑基础。

    Now High fill foundation of port ground-launched compaction degree testing of traditional method have Sand filling method , nuclear measurement , ring knife method , etc , These methods are suitable for filling aggregate size is small , thickness thinner filling basis .