
  1. 论王禹偁的骚人情结

    Discussing Wang Yucheng 's Poet Complex

  2. 王禹偁对白居易诗歌主题的继承与发展

    The Inheritance and Differences of WANG Yucheng 's Poetry in the Subject of BAI Juyi 's

  3. 三次贬谪是王禹偁的孤独心灵之旅,他贬谪后的诗歌创作,流露出一种把生命和情感对象化于国家的骚人情结。

    His poem creation after being banished showed a kind of poet complex which associating closely his life and feelings with nation .

  4. 第二部分将研究目光转向王禹偁商州之贬前后的心路历程与诗风变化。

    On discussing the poems of Shangzhou , the paper expands on the two sides of content change and the style change .

  5. 第六章主要是对宋初名臣诗人王禹偁的人格精神及其对北宋诗风、文风的影响进行了论述。

    Chapter six mainly discusses the personality of the famous poet , Wang Yucheng and his influence on the style of Song poetry .

  6. 并以此为基点,着重论述“商州诗”在王禹偁个人诗歌创作乃至宋代诗歌史上的四大意义:强调文学所具有的独立价值;

    Later , it discusses the significance of the Shangzhou poems on Wang Yucheng 's personal poetic creation and the poem history : it emphasizes that the literature has the independent value ;