
dú zòu
  • solo;pay a solo
独奏 [dú zòu]
  • [solo] 通常指一个人用一种乐器演奏,有时也有其他乐器为其伴奏

独奏[dú zòu]
  1. 慢乐章开头是一段大提琴独奏。

    The slow movement opens with a cello solo .

  2. 曲终后紧接着就是他的弦乐独奏。

    The piece segues into his solo with the strings .

  3. 独奏演员受到了长达十分钟的起立鼓掌欢呼。

    The soloist got a ten-minute standing ovation .

  4. 弦乐组为独奏乐章配上了动听的背景乐。

    The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist

  5. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。

    He has acquired a reputation as this country 's premier solo violinist .

  6. 吉他独奏是原版的特色。

    The original version featured a guitar solo .

  7. 萨默斯几周前表演了一场长笛独奏,反映平平。

    Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews .

  8. 他的吉他独奏棒极了。

    His guitar solos are just unbelievable

  9. 上午10点,一位风笛独奏家揭开了阿伯丁高地运动会的序幕,下午1点主要比赛项目开始。

    A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm .

  10. 阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们,他将无法履行和交响音乐厅签订的钢琴独奏演出合同。

    Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital .

  11. 第一首歌有11分钟长,最后一首也差不多长,唉,上帝啊,中间还有一个击鼓独奏。

    The first song is 11 minutes long , the last nearly the same , and , God help us , there 's a drum solo along the way .

  12. 那钢琴家的独奏演出时间长、节目多,还加奏了两支曲子。

    The pianist gave a long and varied recital , with a couple of encores for good measure .

  13. 两位独奏者和唱诗班的齐唱搭配自始至终都很和谐动听。

    The two soloists2 and the choir3 sang beautifully in unison throughout .

  14. 她的老师欣赏她的演奏,并鼓励她举办独奏会

    Her teachers love her playing , and encourage her to recitals .

  15. 她即将举行钢琴独奏会。

    She is going to give a piano recital .

  16. 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

    There 's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony .

  17. 它不是中方一家的“独奏曲”,而是各方共同参与的“交响乐”。

    If I may use a musical metaphor7 , it is not just China ’ s solo , but a symphony performed by all relevant countries .

  18. 弹奏空气吉他其实就是演奏者假装在用电吉他弹奏摇滚或重金属音乐,做出一些舞蹈和演奏动作,假装演奏部分可能是即兴重复段落或独奏。空气吉他弹奏多包含夸张的随意弹奏和拨片动作,同时伴有高声演唱或对嘴形表演。

    Playing air guitar is a form of dance and movement in which the performer pretends to play rock or heavy metal-style electric guitar , including riffs , solos , etc. Playing an air guitar usually consists of exaggerated strumming and picking motions and is often coupled with loud singing or lip-synching .

  19. 如果是在房间里面进行乐器独奏,那么我可能会用一个长衰减时间(decaytime);

    This also makes more room for the solo instruments where I might want a longer decay time .

  20. 8岁的Cindy:在我的钢琴独奏会上,我站在台上,特别害怕。

    During my piano recital , I was on a stage and I was scared .

  21. 基于WAV文件的独奏乐曲信号中的乐谱识别

    Musical score recognition of solo music signal based on WAV file

  22. GRAF第一次来中国举办大师班和独奏音乐会。

    GRAF who comes to China for the first time will hold masters'classes and play solo concert .

  23. 对了,Heath,我一直没机会告诉你上星期你在教堂的独奏太棒了

    Oh , by the way , heath . I didn 't get the chance to tell you , that was a lovely solo last week in church .

  24. 订阅保持更新所有即将来临UPSB独奏的视频。

    Subscribe to keep updated on all the soon to come UPSB solo videos .

  25. 这是一个即将来临的入门视频录像的非官方的独奏系列,而我将编译UPSB纺纱。

    This is the introductory video to an upcoming series of unofficial solo videos that I 'll be compiling UPSB spinners .

  26. 本•阿弗莱克在给母亲珍妮弗过母亲节时,这位英俊的居家男人抱着最小的3岁女儿Seraphina,当他们前往大姐Violet在加州雷东多海滩5月13日的芭蕾舞团独奏会。

    BEN AFFLECK While honoring mom Jennifer on Mother 's Day , the handsome family man clutches onto youngest daughter Seraphina , 3 , as they head out for big sister Violet 's May 13 ballet recital in Redondo Beach , Calif.

  27. 我有时候会把我制作的音乐扔掉,无论它是KLO乐队还是我自己做的专业的小样独奏音乐。

    Sometimes I will throw in music that I make , whether it is from my band KLO , or a solo project I mixed on a professional sampler .

  28. 就像斯塔福柯指出的,这种过度分享并不仅限于竞技运动,它还延伸到了现代平凡生活中的点点滴滴,从在钢琴独奏会上自拍,到那个很想让你看他/她刚买的有机洋蓟的玩Instagram的人。

    As Stafko noted , this oversharing is not limited to athletics ; it also extends to every banality of modern life , from taking selfies at a piano recital to the Instagrammer who really , really wants you to look at the organic artichoke he or she just bought .

  29. 我们为观众营造了独一无二的音乐氛围,独奏部分主要由洛文杰深情款款的萨克斯和Woodie委婉忧伤的钢棒吉他演奏组成。钢棒吉他是一种非同寻常的乐器,在美国乡村乐和蓝调音乐中的地位举足轻重。

    We have a unique sound , with most of the solos coming from Dave 's soulful sax and Woodie 's mournful lap steel guitar , an unusual instrument which figures prominently in American country and blues music .

  30. 她在校音乐节上独奏,忘了?

    She has that solo in the school musical , remember ?