
tè bié ɡù wèn
  • Special Adviser;special consultant
  1. 由于妻子生病,他回到了国务院,出任总统的特别顾问。

    Due to his wife 's illness , he returned to the State Department as special adviser to the President

  2. 本文作者在2010年至2014年担任英国商务大臣文斯凯布尔(VinceCable)的特别顾问

    The writer was a special adviser to Vince Cable , UK business secretary , from 2010 to 2014

  3. 现任谷歌临时首席商务官(自上个月尼科什o阿罗拉离职以来)及CEO特别顾问。

    now , Google 's interim chief business officer ( since the departure of Nikesh Arora last month ) and special advisor to the CEO .

  4. 此前这位资深的专家型官员也曾在政府任职,当过经济财政部和希腊央行(BankofGreece)在货币政策上的特别顾问。

    The veteran technocrat has served in previous government posts , serving as a special adviser to the Ministry of Economy and Finance and to the Bank of Greece on monetary policy issues .

  5. 拉加德可能对此进行干预,提拔来自新兴市场国家的人士进入高级管理层,其中可能包括来自中国的IMF总裁特别顾问朱民。

    Ms Lagarde may intervene to promote senior management from emerging market countries , perhaps including Zhu Min , the Chinese adviser to the managing director .

  6. 生态旅游是由国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)特别顾问谢贝洛斯。拉斯喀瑞于1983年首次提出。

    Eco-tourism was firstly brought forth by Ceballas-Lascurain , special consultant of IUCN in1983 .

  7. MorganBazilian是UNIDO总干事关于能源和气候变化的特别顾问。

    Morgan Bazilian is special advisor to the UNIDO director-general on energy and climate change .

  8. 他们发起阻挠正式任命EdwardLuck(哥伦比亚大学教授)为联合国关于“国际干预与国家主权”问题的特别顾问。

    They have been leading a determined effort to obstruct the formal appointment of Edward Luck , a professor at Columbia University , as a special UN adviser on the issue .

  9. 朱民将从5月开始在国际货币基金组织工作,担任总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)的特别顾问。

    Mr Zhu , who will start at the IMF in May , will work as a special adviser to Dominique Strauss-Kahn .

  10. 但是挪威首相的特别顾问ToreGodal否认了政界人士不需要研究。

    But Tore Godal , special advisor to the prime minister of Norway , denied that politicians do not demand research .

  11. 胡国辉(LouisWoo),郭台铭的特别顾问,称他们不是在节约成本,而是改善员工生活质量,这方面他们做的比我们好。

    Louis Woo , special adviser to Mr Guo , insists this is not to save money but to improve workers ' quality of life : they simply do a better job than us .

  12. 联合国秘书长特别顾问杰弗里萨克斯(jeffreysachs)表示,在减轻非洲的贫困方面,亿万富翁慈善家有可能比八国集团(g8)做得更多。

    Billionaire philanthropists have the potential to do more to ease poverty in Africa than the group of eight leading industrial nations , according to Jeffrey Sachs , special adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General .

  13. 胡国辉(LouisWoo),郭台铭的特别顾问,称他们不是在节约成本,而是改善员工生活质量,“这方面他们做的比我们好。”

    Louis Woo , special adviser to Mr Guo , insists this is not to save money but to improve workers " quality of life : " they simply do a better job than us . "

  14. 杜尔和菲克赛尔不会加入Nextdoor董事会,不过,杜尔会以特别顾问的身份参与公司运营。

    Neither Doerr nor fixel will join the nextdoor board , although Doerr will serve as a special advisor .

  15. 我们希望中国成为国际体系中负责任的利益相关者,而那意味着配合联合国安理会决议,美国核不扩散及武器控制特别顾问罗伯特·埃因霍恩(RobertEinhorn)昨日在访问首尔期间表示。

    We want China to be a responsible stakeholder in the international system and that means co-operating with UN Security Council resolutions , Robert Einhorn , US special adviser for non-proliferation and arms control , said yesterday on a trip to Seoul .

  16. 增加人们患痢疾的风险,这会威胁到生命安全。每年有数百万儿童由于水生疾病死亡,”联合国秘书长潘基文的特别顾问Sachs在联合国发展目标会议上补充说。

    ontent . It means that the water could give rise to diarrheal diseases . It could be life threatening . Millions of children die each year from water-borne diseases , " added Sachs , who serves as a special advisor to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on meeting development goals .

  17. 哥伦比亚大学国家疾病准备中心主任、白思豪的特别顾问埃尔文·瑞德雷纳(IrwinRedlener)说,目前对公众构成的威胁微乎其微,但这座城市需要迅速行动起来。

    Dr. Irwin Redlener , the director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University and a special adviser to Mayor de Blasio , said that the risk to the general public was minimal , but depended on a city moving swiftly .

  18. 联合国环境计划特别顾问、经济学家帕文·苏德赫夫(PahvanSukdhev)解释说,努鲁设计公司所从事的商业活动代表着“绿色经济”的未来。苏德赫夫说:

    Economist Pahvan Sukdhev is a special advisor to the United Nations environment program . He explains that businesses such as Nuru Design are examples of what a " green economy " would be like .

  19. 他好像是联调局的什么特别顾问。

    He 's some kind of special consultant for the FBI .

  20. 总干事妇女、性别与发展问题特别顾问

    Special Adviser to the Director-General on Women , Gender and Development

  21. 前田匡史也是日本内阁一名特别顾问。

    Mr Maeda is also a special adviser to the Cabinet .

  22. 联合国粮食计划署执行主任特别顾问;

    United Nations Special Adviser to the executive director of wfp ;

  23. 秘书长公共政策特别顾问办公室

    Office of the Special Adviser of the Secretary General for Public Policy

  24. 环境与可持续发展总干事特别顾问

    Special Adviser to the Director-General for Environment and Sustainable Development

  25. 他的特别顾问都是政府里的精英。

    His special advisers are the best in the government .

  26. 性别问题和提高妇女地位特别顾问办公室

    Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women

  27. 秘书长新闻与公共政策问题特别顾问

    Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Information and Public Policy

  28. 他是你的案件的特别顾问。

    He 's a special consultant on your case .

  29. 他是朱迪思哈特夫人在部里的特别顾问。

    He was a special adviser to Mrs Judith Hart at the ministry .

  30. 你是从公共医疗机构来的特别顾问。

    You 're a special consultant from Pao medical .